OAPI 2.11.2 - Current Version
Released on: 07/19/2023
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OAPI 2.11.1
Released on 06/28/2023
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OAPI 2.11.0
Released on 04/20/2023
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openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: Ordering API description: | Ordering API contact: { } version: "v2.11.0" servers: - description: Appetize API URL. This URL will be provided by our team. url: https://{environment}.appetize.com paths: /: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Appetize Ordering API Base Url description: | * **Payload**: None operationId: OrderingBaseGet security: - BearerAuth: [ ] responses: 200: description: "Documentation Forthcoming" headers: Date: style: simple explode: false schema: type: string default: Tue, 14 May 2019 22:30:53 GMT Server: style: simple explode: false schema: type: string default: nginx Content-Length: style: simple explode: false schema: type: string default: "156" Connection: style: simple explode: false schema: type: string default: keep-alive deprecated: false /auth/ordering: post: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Authentication of API Key description: |- Authenticates the client into Connect. * **Payload**: * **Success**: Returns a *token*. This token is needed to make all subsequent calls to the service. * **Failure**: Any other response * **Note:** This endpoint is actually making reference to the POST /auth from the Auth service endpoint; but being so relevant to OAPI, that it has been included here. You will note here that /auth is an internal server redirection to the proper /ordering endpoint in the Auth service. operationId: OrderingAuthPost security: - ApiKeyAuth: [ ] responses: 200: description: "" headers: Server: style: simple explode: false schema: type: string default: nginx/1.13.9 Date: style: simple explode: false schema: type: string default: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 16:29:06 GMT content: application/com.appetize.oapi.token.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthResponse' examples: response: value: auth_key: jwt-encoded-auth-key "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401_Invalid_XAPIKey' deprecated: false /ordering/vendors: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get List of Vendors description: |- Returns complete list of vendors provided in the given credentials. Access to vendors is granted after successful request to */auth/ordering* endpoint based on *X-API-Key*). <br />List can be filtered by optional query parameters: * seat ID - internal seat identifier assigned to vendors. Useful when vendor list must be narrowed down and displayed for the specific seat only (please see */venues/{venue_id}/levels/{level_id}/seats* endpoint for complete list of seat IDs) * venue ID - internal venue identifier associated with vendors. Since the complete list contains all venues/vendors provided in the credentials this filter could be used when vendor list must be retrieved for specific venue only * external ID - external identifier assigned to vendors operationId: OrderingVendorsGet security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] parameters: - name: seat_id in: query description: Filter vendors list by seat ID required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: number - name: venue_id in: query description: Filter vendors list by venue ID required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string - name: external_id in: query description: Filter vendors list by external ID required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Returns an array of vendors optionally filtered by seat ID, venue ID, external ID or empty array if not a single vendor matches optional filters content: application/com.appetize.oapi.vendor.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorsResponse' "400": description: Bad Request "401": description: Unauthorized content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthenticationBearerFailure' examples: "Incorrect Claim type": description: "Token is not External V1 Claims" value: Code: 401 message: "incorrect claim type" "Missing Claims": description: "Token claims not found in request token" value: Code: 401 message: "missing claims" "Empty Claims": description: "Token claims is nil" value: Code: 401 message: "access control Claims is nil" "Invalid Claims Content": description: "Invalid token syntax, token can not be parsed" value: Code: 401 message: "strconv.Atoi: {strconv error}" "Invalid Token Signature": description: "Invalid token signature" value: Code: 401 message: "failed parsing claims: signature is invalid" "Claims without Venues": description: "Token claims don't contains any venue" value: Code: 401 message: "no venues found in claims" "Corporate not found in Claims": description: "Corporate not found in token claims" value: Code: 401 message: "corporate ID {Corporate ID} not found in claims" "Venue not found in Claims": description: "Venue not found in token claims" value: Code: 401 message: "venue ID {Venue ID} not found in claims" "Vendor not found in Claims": description: "Vendor not found in token claims" value: Code: 401 message: "vendor ID {Vendor ID} not found in claims" "422": description: Unprocessable entity "500": description: Server error /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Venue description: |- Basic information around the default location (Venue / Vendor) assigned to the given credentials. operationId: OrderingStoreGet security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Vendor_id' responses: "200": description: Store Response (Internally Vendor) content: application/com.appetize.oapi.vendor.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Vendor' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' "404": $ref: '#/components/responses/404_Store_Not_Found' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/menu: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Menu description: |- Returns the entire assigned menu for a given vendor, or with the 'since' query parameter, a delta including deleted and deactivated items. security: - BearerAuth: [ ] parameters: - name: since in: query description: Returns the delta from the UTC timestamp passed in. required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string default: "1579098572" - name: price_level in: query schema: type: string enum: [ "VENDOR_OVERRIDE_ACTIVE", "VENDOR_ACTIVE", "EVENT", "EVENT_TYPE", "VENUE_OVERRIDE_ACTIVE", "VENUE_ACTIVE", "VENUE_DEFAULT", "CORPORATE_DEFAULT" ] default: "Vendor Override Active Price" - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Vendor_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MenuV2RequestAcceptHeader' responses: "200": description: Returns an array of dayparts available for the vendor and the entire vendor menu <br> associated to each of those DayParts. content: application/com.appetize.oapi.menu.v2+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuV2Response' application/com.appetize.oapi.menu.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuResponse' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' "404": $ref: '#/components/responses/404_Menu_Not_Found' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/items/{item_id}: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Item by ID description: |- Returns a single item, for the given Venue, and Vendor. security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Item_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Vendor_id' - name: price_level in: query schema: type: string enum: [ "VENDOR_OVERRIDE_ACTIVE", "VENDOR_ACTIVE", "EVENT", "EVENT_TYPE", "VENUE_OVERRIDE_ACTIVE", "VENUE_ACTIVE", "VENUE_DEFAULT", "CORPORATE_DEFAULT" ] default: "Vendor Override Active Price" responses: "200": description: Item response content: application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetItemResponseV1' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' "404": $ref: '#/components/responses/404_Menu_Not_Found' "422": $ref: '#/components/responses/422' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/items: #documentation ticket PLAT-680 get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Items with Optional Filters SKU, External ID or Item IDs description: |- Returns an array of items, for the given Venue, and Vendor. \ This endpoint can filter its response if the query string parameter 'ids' is present in the request. If the request doesn't contain any query string parameter, the response is not filtered. \ This endpoint does not accept pagination parameters, and the result is not limited. security: - BearerAuth: [ ] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Vendor_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ItemV2RequestAcceptHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ids' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/sku' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/external_ids' - name: price_level in: query schema: type: string enum: [ "VENDOR_OVERRIDE_ACTIVE", "VENDOR_ACTIVE", "EVENT", "EVENT_TYPE", "VENUE_OVERRIDE_ACTIVE", "VENUE_ACTIVE", "VENUE_DEFAULT", "CORPORATE_DEFAULT" ] default: "Vendor Override Active Price" responses: "200": description: Get items response content: application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v2+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetItemResponseV2' application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetItemResponseV1' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' "404": $ref: '#/components/responses/404_Store_Not_Found' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/discounts: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Discounts description: |- This endpoint will retrieve a list of discounts that are available to a given vendor (revenue center) security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Vendor_id' - in: query name: active description: |- Filters discounts to only actively available ones \ **If that query param is not sent**, the default value will be **false** - **True** : returns only the active discounts - **False** : returns both active and non active discounts required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: boolean default: false examples: true: summary: "true" value: true false: summary: "false" value: false responses: "200": description: Discounts Response content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DiscountsResponse' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' /ordering/corporates/{corporate_id}/venues: #documentation ticket PLAT-680 get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Venue Information Based on Corporate Identifier description: |- Returns an array of venues, for the given corporate id. \ security: - BearerAuth: [ ] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Corporate_id' responses: "200": description: Get venues response content: application/com.appetize.oapi.venue.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetVenuesResponse' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' "404": $ref: '#/components/responses/404_Store_Not_Found' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/cart/calculate: post: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Cart Calculate v2 description: |- This endpoint takes a `CartRequest`, performs calculations and validations on it, and returns a signed version that can be submitted to the `Checkout` endpoint. It is important to note that there are some options that may apply depending on your environment, corporate, venue or vendor configuration: - Calculate Fees: enable or disable fees calculation that comes from connect. - Calculate Reductions: enable or disable reductions calculation that comes from connect. - Calculate Taxes: enable or disable taxes calculation that comes from connect. - Calculate Modifier Items: enable or disable modifiers items calculation that comes from connect. - Calculate Payment Partner Integrations *also know as PPI Discounts*: enable or disable PPI Discounts calculation that is used by AX/IX to integrate Stored Values (SV) and Loaded Values (LV) payments easily. - Validate Prices: validate each item if the price is correct and if it belongs to the venue/vendor station - Validate Cart Totals: validate if calculated subtotal is what is expected, you can not use this along with (Fees, Reductions, Taxes, Modifiers or PPI Discounts) > Additional note: When passing in a cart, use `tip_status_closed=false` to force the tip status to be left open on cart checkout, allowing for a tip to be added in a subsequent tip adjustment endpoint. security: - BearerAuth: [ ] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Vendor_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/CartRequestHeaderContentType' requestBody: description: Calculate Cart Request content: application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v2+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CalculateCartWithModifiersRequest' application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CalculateCartRequest' required: true responses: "200": description: Calculate Cart Response content: application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v2+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CalculateCartWithModifiersResponse' application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CalculateCartResponse' "400": $ref: '#/components/responses/400_Calculate_Malformed' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' "422": $ref: '#/components/responses/422' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/checkout: post: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Cart Checkout v2 description: |- This endpoint processes a signed cart, which has previously been generated via the /cart/calculate endpoint. For external payments, we will provide the payment parameters for you to pass in, so that we bypass our internal payment verification steps. <br> It is also important to note that if an email confirmation is required, the field email must be non empty in the signed_cart and an extra field named "send_email_receipt", must be manually added and set to true at the root level of the payload's body. security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] parameters: - name: X-Order-Source in: header description: Order Source to provide visibility between the different products where the order is being made from. required: false schema: type: string items: default: oapi enum: - oapi - interact_web example: oapi - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Vendor_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/CartRequestHeaderContentType' requestBody: description: Checkout Request -- Send Payload From Cart Endpoint content: application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v2+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckoutRequestWithModifiers' application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckoutRequest' required: true responses: "200": description: Checkout Response content: application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v2+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckoutResponse' application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckoutResponse' "400": $ref: '#/components/responses/400_Checkout_Malformed' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' "422": $ref: '#/components/responses/422' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/levels: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Levels description: |- Returns associated levels and their basic information for the venue. <br/> A level can be one of many in a venue's layout and has the highest hierarchy of such layout; it can contain the other items like section, row and seat.(These details are not provided by this endpoint) security: - BearerAuth: [ ] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' responses: "200": description: Levels successful response content: application/com.appetize.oapi.level.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LevelsResponse' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/levels/{level_id}/seats: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Seats description: |- Returns associated seats for a given venue and that venue's level. security: - BearerAuth: [ ] parameters: - name: level_id in: path description: ID of the level required: true schema: type: integer format: int64 - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' responses: "200": description: Levels Response content: application/com.appetize.oapi.seat.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SeatsResponse' "400": $ref: '#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/fees: get: tags: - Online Ordering summary: Get Fees description: |- This endpoint returns the fees associated to the vendor_id and venue_id security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Venue_id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Vendor_id' - name: account_type in: query required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string enum: [ "employee" ] - name: account_id in: query required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: string example: '1' - name: only_auto_apply in: query required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: boolean example: false responses: "200": description: Get Fees Response content: application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetFeesResponse' "400": $ref: '#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '#/components/responses/401' /ordering/pay/initialize_session: post: tags: - Appetize Payment Layer integration summary: Get Session Token description: |- This endpoint takes a terminal_id, amount and returns a session token for integrations endpoint parameters: - in: header name: X-API-Key description: X-API-Key is "Connect" api-key schema: type: string format: uuid example: 689f8852-8e18-4e4d-8591-b8ce64226fdb required: true security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] requestBody: description: Get Session Token content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AplSessionTokenRequest' required: true responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/200_apl_session_token' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400_apl' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401_apl' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500_apl' /ordering/pay/payment: post: tags: - Appetize Payment Layer integration summary: Submit a Payment description: |- This endpoint takes a session_key and some additional settings and submits a payment parameters: - in: header name: X-API-Key description: X-API-Key is "Connect" api-key schema: type: string format: uuid example: 689f8852-8e18-4e4d-8591-b8ce64226fdb required: true security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] requestBody: description: Submits a payment content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AplPaymentRequest' required: true responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/200_apl_payment' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400_apl' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401_apl' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500_apl' /ordering/pay/query_token: post: tags: - Appetize Payment Layer integration summary: Retrieve Token Information description: |- This endpoint takes a terminal_id and token and retrieves cardholder information associated with a token parameters: - in: header name: X-API-Key description: X-API-Key is "Connect" api-key schema: type: string format: uuid example: 689f8852-8e18-4e4d-8591-b8ce64226fdb required: true security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] requestBody: description: Retrieve token information content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AplQueryTokenRequest' required: true responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/200_apl_query_token' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400_apl' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401_apl' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500_apl' # Refund endpoints /ordering/order/{order_id}/refunds: post: tags: - Order Refunds summary: Create a Full Refund for an Order description: |- This endpoint makes a full refund for an order security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] parameters: - name: X-Order-Source in: header description: Order Source to create the refund order required: false schema: type: string items: default: oapi enum: - oapi - connect example: oapi - name: order_id in: path description: ID of the order to be refunded required: true schema: type: integer example: 1234567 requestBody: description: Refund reference content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RefundRequest' required: true responses: 201: $ref: '#/components/responses/create_refund_201' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/create_refund_400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/create_refund_401' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/create_refund_404' 422: $ref: '#/components/responses/create_refund_422' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/create_refund_500' /ordering/order/{order_id}: get: tags: - Order Refunds summary: Get an Order by ID description: |- This endpoint returns order related details by ID. security: - BearerAuth: [ ] ApiKeyAuth: [ ] parameters: - in: path name: order_id description: ID of the order you want data for required: true schema: type: integer example: 1234567 responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/get_refund_200' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/get_refund_400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/get_refund_401' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/get_refund_404' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/get_refund_500' components: securitySchemes: BearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer ApiKeyAuth: type: apiKey in: header name: X-API-Key parameters: sku: #TODO: this element should be reviewed on PLAT-681, and remove this comment from PLAT-680 name: sku in: query description: Filters item by sku (with 1 result) required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string external_ids: #TODO: this element should be reviewed on PLAT-681, and remove this comment from PLAT-680 name: barcode in: query description: Filters item by barcode(with 1 result). This query was previously called "external_id", which is still supported. required: false style: form explode: true schema: type: string ids: name: ids in: query description: String with a list of comma-separated values that represent item ids. <b>Only available in v2</b>. required: false style: form explode: true allowEmptyValue: false schema: example: "100,200,300,101" type: string Item_id: name: item_id in: path description: ID of the item required: true style: simple explode: false schema: minimum: 1 type: integer format: int64 Vendor_id: name: vendor_id in: path description: Connect's vendor identifier inside for a given vendor (revenue center) required: true style: simple explode: false schema: minimum: 1 type: integer format: int64 example: 68040 Venue_id: name: venue_id in: path description: Identifier for a given venue (revenue center) required: true style: simple explode: false schema: minimum: 1 type: integer format: int64 example: 2371 CartRequestHeaderContentType: name: "Content-Type" in: header description: |- Two versions are available: - **Version 1**: supports taxes, fees, reductions and modifiers. - **Version 2**: supports taxes, fees, reductions and nested modifiers. > By default if you do not send any value it will be understood that you are using *Version 1*. required: true allowEmptyValue: true explode: false examples: application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v2+json: value: "application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v2+json" application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v1+json: value: "application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v1+json" schema: type: string enum: - "application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v2+json" - "application/com.appetize.oapi.cart.v1+json" Corporate_id: name: corporate_id in: path description: Identifier for a given corporate required: true style: simple explode: false schema: minimum: 1 type: integer format: int64 example: 2371 ItemV2RequestAcceptHeader: name: Accept in: header description: Accept header specifies the version of the API to use, **application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v2+json** will make the endpoint response include items with nested modifiers instead of simple items. *If this header is not provided the system assumes* ***application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v1+json*** required: false examples: oapi.item.v2+json: value: "application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v2+json" oapi.item.v1+json: value: "application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v1+json" schema: type: string enum: - "application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v2+json" - "application/com.appetize.oapi.item.v1+json" MenuV2RequestAcceptHeader: name: Accept in: header description: Accept header set to **application/com.appetize.oapi.menu.v2+json**, will make the Menu endpoint response include items with nested modifiers instead of simple items. required: false examples: oapi.menu.v2+json: value: "application/com.appetize.oapi.menu.v2+json" oapi.menu.v1+json: value: "application/com.appetize.oapi.menu.v1+json" schema: type: string enum: - "application/com.appetize.oapi.menu.v2+json" - "application/com.appetize.oapi.menu.v1+json" schemas: GetFeesResponse: title: Get Fees Response type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: fees: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Fee' AppliedFee: title: Applied Fee type: object description: All Fee information after applying to a cart properties: id: type: string example: 2935 description: "Identifier given to fee upon creation in Connect" name: type: string example: Service fee 10% description: "Fee Name made upon creation of fee. Updatable, non-unique" hash: type: string example: 54550fa18058847cf0a70cb93ebe9383 description: Generated used to identify this Fee fee_type: type: string enum: - PERCENT - FLAT - CUSTOM example: FLAT description: "Fee Type used to calculate value" fee_basis: type: number format: float example: 0.05 description: "Integer used as a basis for calculation,If a fee is 5%, the fee_basis will be 0.05. If it is $2.00, the fee_basis will be 2.00" calculated_value: type: number format: float example: 10.61 description: "Value of the fee. If the fee is an amount, it will be the same as the fee_basis. If it is a percentage, it will be the fee_basis multiplied by the amount to which the fee is applied." taxable: type: boolean example: true description: "Value set in Connect to enable/disable taxable. Fees that are taxable will be included in the total used to calculate taxes. Non-taxable fees are not included." taxes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Taxes' auto_apply: type: boolean example: true description: "Value set in Connect to enable/disable auto apply. Fees set to auto-apply are automatically applied to every transaction for the vendor to which they're assigned. Fees without auto-apply are manually applied." apply_before_discount: type: boolean example: true description: "Applies to net or gross" fee_class: type: string enum: - GRATUITY - SERVICE_CHARGE - FEE - TIP example: GRATUITY description: "Fee Class field in Connect. Can be fee, gratuity, service charge, or tip." fee_level: type: string enum: - ORDER - ITEM example: ORDER description: "Item or order level" print_tips: type: boolean example: true description: This value will cause the tips to be displayed or not print_suggested_tip_amount: type: boolean example: true description: This value will cause the suggested tips to be shown on the receipt removal_requires_approval: type: boolean example: false description: "Flag from Connect. When enabled, removing the fee from a transaction requires approval from a manager-level account" external_id: type: string example: 2233 description: "External Identifier used by external integrations" exclusive_tax_total: type: number format: float example: 0.25 description: The total tax eclusive applied inclusive_tax_total: type: number format: float example: 0.10 description: The total tax inclusive applied is_available_for_refund: type: boolean example: true description: "Determines whether or not the fee can be refunded." is_item_level: type: boolean example: false description: Determines if the fee was applied at the item level print_on_reciept: type: boolean example: true description: If enabled, this fee will be printed on the receipt. purchase_order_id: type: string example: "1000554212" description: Identifier associated with the purchase receipted: type: boolean example: true description: If enabled the value is assumed to be receipted refunding: type: boolean example: false description: If the fee is part of a refund the value will be true stage: type: string example: "default" description: Stage name for this Fee tax_examt: type: boolean example: false description: "If enabled, makes the fee tax exempt" uid: type: string example: "a2082bd8-73bb-43b3-a152-54554d9c37f2" description: Unique identifier generated to differentiate this fee in the order Fee: title: Fee type: object description: "All information around fee objects." properties: id: type: string description: "Identifier given to fee upon creation in Connect" example: "124" name: type: string description: "Fee name provided to connect at the time of creation, Updatable, non-unique" example: "Delivery fee" hash: type: string description: "Unique hash identifier generated by connect" example: "3f865b40d56d634a5d85bdacaee1413d" fee_basis: type: number format: float description: "Value used as a basis for calculation. If a fee is 5%, the fee_basis will be 0.05. If it is $2.00, the fee_basis will be 2.00" example: "2.00" taxable: type: boolean description: "Indicates if fee is taxable or not. Value set in Connect to enable/disable taxable. Fees that are taxable will be included in the total used to calculate taxes. Non-taxable fees are not included." example: true taxes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuItemTax' auto_apply: type: boolean description: "Value set in Connect to enable/disable auto apply. Fees set to auto-apply are automatically applied to every transaction for the vendor to which they're assigned. Fees without auto-apply are manually applied." example: false apply_before_discount: type: boolean description: "Applies to net or gross" example: false fee_class: type: string description: "Fee Class field in Connect. Can be fee, gratuity, service charge, or tip." example: "Fee" fee_level: type: string description: "Item or order level" example: "item" print_tips: type: boolean description: "whether the device should print the tip amount on the receipt or not if the fee is of type tip" example: false print_suggested_tip_amount: type: boolean description: "whether the device should print the suggested tip amount on the receipt or not if the fee is of type tip" example: false removal_requires_approval: type: boolean description: "Flag from Connect. When enabled, removing the fee from a transaction requires approval from a manager-level account" example: false external_id: type: string description: "External identifier provided to Connect at creation" example: "1245" exclusive_tax_total: type: number description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" format: float example: 0 inclusive_tax_total: type: number format: float description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" example: 0.0 is_available_for_refund: type: boolean description: "Determines whether or not the fee can be refunded." example: false is_item_level: type: boolean description: "Determines whether or not it is item level fee. this will be true if fee_level is item" example: true print_on_reciept: type: boolean description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" example: false purchase_order_id: type: string description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" example: "0" receipted: type: boolean description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" refunding: type: boolean description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" stage: type: string description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" tax_examt: type: boolean description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" uid: type: string description: "deprecated, will be removed in a future version" AlcoholRuleSet: title: Alcohol Rule Set type: object properties: limit_per_order: type: integer description: "Limit set in Connect for how many alcoholic items (determined by isAlcohol flag on the item) can be purchased in a single order." per_order_limit_reached_error_message: type: string description: "Error message for when the maximum number of alcoholic items has been added to an order. Comes up when further alcoholic items are attempted to be added to the order." restriction_error_message: type: string description: "Alert message that should be displayed when a customer adds an alcoholic item to their cart" limit_per_order_enabled: type: boolean description: "Indicates if the vendor has the limit per order feature enabled or disabled" AppliedDiscount: title: Applied Discount type: object description: "A discount whose requisite and reward criteria have been met that is then applied to a cart, or items within a cart." properties: amount_reduced_by: type: number example: 25.00 description: "Raw discount basis. If a discount is $25 off, the number is 25. If Discount is 25% off, the number will be 25. This is downstream and mapped to percent off or amount off inside of checkout." calculated_value: type: number example: -15.99 description: "The value of a discount that is applied." quantity: type: number example: 2 description: "The number of items being discounted" cart_level: type: boolean example: false description: "Determines whether the discount is applied to the subtotal of the transaction or to a subset of items within the cart. If true, applied to the transaction / if false, applied to a subset of items." display_in_cart: type: boolean example: true description: For UI purposes, to decide when to show or not the discount on the cart receipt. external_reference: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartDiscount_external_reference' id: type: string example: "1000658" description: "Appetize's internal reduction id. For internal use only. Created by Connect when discount is created." name: type: string example: Buy one get one free description: "Appetize's name of the reduction in Connect." promo_code: type: string example: BLACKFRIYAY description: Code that was used for this discount as a requisite. reduction_computation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartDiscount_reduction_computation' reference_id: type: string example: "121207" description: "From the Reference ID field in Connect." removal_allowed: type: boolean example: true description: "Internal use only. If true, allows removal of the discount during a transaction." short_description: type: string example: discount for buying one to get one free description: "Field populated through configuring the discount details field in Connect." tags: type: array items: type: string example: percentDiscount description: "Price of an item multiplied by quantity after deductions were calculated." bundle_uuid: type: string example: 71d0c11e-54ce-4e56-90af-86592c04e879 description: "Used by Connect to mark a discounted item as part of a bundle." Attribute: title: Venue Attribute description: Assigned attribute to the venue in the venues section for Corporate Connect type: object properties: name: type: string description: name assigned to the attribute in the attributes connect section example: "Test attribute" entity_type: type: string description: Attribute type example: "venue" value: type: string description: associated value for attribute example: "some value" AuthResponse: title: Auth Response required: - authToken type: object description: "Payload: Success: Returns a token. This token is needed to make all subsequent calls to the service. Failure: Any other response. This token should be passed as a bearer token for subsequent http/s requests." properties: auth_key: type: string description: "Auth key token returned upon successful authentication." example: auth_key: some jwt encoded auth key here AuthenticationBearerFailure: title: Authentication Failure From Bearer required: - message type: object description: "Response due to authentication failure from an invalid bearer token." properties: Code: type: integer default: 401 message: type: string description: "Contains the returned message from the service after a failure" example: "failed parsing claims: signature is invalid" AuthenticationXAPIFailure: title: Authentication Failure From X-API-Key required: - message type: object description: "Response due to authentication failure from an invalid X-API-KEY header." properties: message: type: string description: "Contains the returned message from the service after a failure" example: message: "api key could not be found or is inactive" BsonID: title: Bson ID type: string format: bson.id example: 507f191e810c19729de860ea description: "Document Id related to a database object. Only used by internal DBs. Unique ID" ItemID: title: Item ID type: number example: 98 description: "Identifier given to an item upon creation in Connect" CalculateCartRequest: title: Calculate Cart Request type: object additionalProperties: false description: Include cart items, associated payments, and the user with all discount codes that can be applied. properties: cart: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartRequest' user: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartUserRequest' required: - cart CalculateCartWithModifiersRequest: title: Calculate Cart With Modifiers Request type: object additionalProperties: false description: Include cart items, associated payments, and the user with all discount codes that can be applied, also we can add use item modifiers and nested modifiers. properties: cart: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartWithModifiersRequest' user: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartUserRequest' required: - cart CalculateCartResponse: title: Calculate Cart Response type: object description: |- This response includes everything that was applied to the cart, there are different options that can be active or not depending on your environment, > this response is immutable, it should not be manipulated and if you make any change manually it will not work as expected. additionalProperties: false properties: signed_cart: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SignedCart' CalculateCartWithModifiersResponse: title: Calculate Cart With Modifiers Response type: object description: |- This response includes everything that was applied to the cart, there are different options that can be active or not depending on your environment, > this response is immutable, it should not be manipulated and if you make any change manually it will not work as expected. additionalProperties: false properties: signed_cart: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SignedCartWithModifiers' CartOrderType: type: string example: POS description: Type of order based on the origin of the request. enum: - POS - MOBILE - CONNECT CartRequest: title: Cart Request type: object additionalProperties: false description: |- Contains everything related to an order, such as items, payments. > Some fields will be overwritten with the values provided by `Connect Product API` such as item cost or categories, but you must send all the necessary fields. properties: tip_status_closed: type: boolean example: true description: Sets closed status for a tip. This will be moved to the Checkout Request in the future. device_order_id: type: string example: A1151999920042015380002 description: |- Order Identifier used to summarize a transaction. - Does not have to be unique. - Used identify a transaction in connect. order_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartOrderType' seat_id: type: string description: Seat Identifier is optional. example: 456 visitor_id: type: string description: Visitor Identifier is optional. example: 899 pickup_time: type: string format: ISO8601/RFC3339 example: "2021-01-14T07:26:38-08:00" description: |- Timestamp in `ISO8601/RFC3339` format; allows ordering ahead even when vendor is closed. > This will be moved to the `Checkout` Request in the future. cart_items: type: array uniqueItems: false minItems: 1 description: All items for this order should be placed here. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemRequest' check: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check' customer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Customer' payments: type: array uniqueItems: true minItems: 1 description: Payments associated to this order. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' required: - cart_items - payments CartResponse: title: Cart type: object description: "Data object in which all item and calculation information for a given transaction is contained." properties: tip_status_closed: type: boolean example: true description: Sets closed status for a tip. This will be moved to the Checkout Request in the future. device_order_id: type: string example: A1151999920042015380002 description: |- Order Identifier used to summarize a transaction. - Does not have to be unique. - Used identify a transaction in connect. device_order_time: type: string format: ISO8601/RFC3339 example: "2021-01-14T07:26:38-08:00" description: Timestamp in `ISO8601/RFC3339` format; used to know when exactly this request was placed. order_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartOrderType' seat_id: type: string description: Seat Identifier is optional. example: 456 visitor_id: type: string description: Visitor Identifier is optional. example: 899 device_order_uuid: type: string format: uuid.V4 example: 3487829f-8a89-4ea8-9585-9e37d72e9091 description: Universally Unique Order Descriptor, generated by OAPI as part of Calculate. pickup_time: type: string format: ISO8601/RFC3339 example: "2021-01-14T07:26:38-08:00" description: |- Timestamp in `ISO8601/RFC3339` format; allows ordering ahead even when vendor is closed. > This will be moved to the `Checkout` Request in the future. cart_items: type: array uniqueItems: false minItems: 1 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItem' calculated_cart_sum: type: array description: "A client-supplied array of the expected monetary values for the cart that is only used when the active configuration has Validate Cart Totals as true (Default is false). If the sum of supplied Total values for the array of calculated cart sums differs from what OAPI validates, the request is rejected." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartLine' check: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check' customer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Customer' location: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Location' discounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppliedDiscount' fees: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppliedFee' payments: type: array uniqueItems: true minItems: 1 description: Payments associated to this order. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' subtotal: type: number description: |- Cost of Items, Including Inclusive Taxes, reduced by overall amount by item level reductions. > Deprecated: you should use `cart_totals` instead example: 83.74 deprecated: true cart_totals: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartTotals' CartWithModifiersRequest: title: Cart With Modifiers Request type: object additionalProperties: false description: "Data object in which all item and calculation information for a given transaction is contained. This is used for carts where nested modifiers are present." properties: tip_status_closed: type: boolean example: true description: Sets closed status for a tip. This will be moved to the Checkout Request in the future. device_order_id: type: string example: A1151999920042015380002 description: |- Order Identifier used to summarize a transaction. - Does not have to be unique. - Used identify a transaction in connect. order_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartOrderType' seat_id: type: string description: Seat Identifier is optional. example: 456 visitor_id: type: string description: Visitor Identifier is optional. example: 899 pickup_time: type: string format: ISO8601/RFC3339 example: "2021-01-14T07:26:38-08:00" description: |- Timestamp in `ISO8601/RFC3339` format; allows ordering ahead even when vendor is closed. > This will be moved to the `Checkout` Request in the future. external_metadata: type: string description: Additional data to be stored, so client can track information for which Appetize doesn't have a dedicated field. rounding: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckoutRounding' cart_items: title: Cart Items type: array uniqueItems: false minItems: 1 items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemWrappedWithRootMapNodeRequest' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemWrappedWithOriginalItemRequest' check: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check' customer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Customer' payments: type: array uniqueItems: true minItems: 1 description: Payments associated to this order. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' required: - cart_items - payments CartWithModifiersResponse: title: Cart With Modifiers Response type: object description: "Data object in which all item and calculation information for a given transaction is contained. This is used for carts where nested modifiers are present." properties: tip_status_closed: type: boolean example: true description: Sets closed status for a tip. This will be moved to the Checkout Request in the future. device_order_id: type: string example: A1151999920042015380002 description: |- Order Identifier used to summarize a transaction. - Does not have to be unique. - Used identify a transaction in connect. device_order_time: type: string format: ISO8601/RFC3339 example: "2021-01-14T07:26:38-08:00" description: Timestamp in `ISO8601/RFC3339` format; used to know when exactly this request was placed. order_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartOrderType' seat_id: type: string description: Seat Identifier is optional. example: 456 visitor_id: type: string description: Visitor Identifier is optional. example: 899 device_order_uuid: type: string format: uuid.V4 example: 3487829f-8a89-4ea8-9585-9e37d72e9091 description: Universally Unique Order Descriptor, generated by OAPI as part of Calculate. pickup_time: type: string format: ISO8601/RFC3339 example: "2021-01-14T07:26:38-08:00" description: |- Timestamp in `ISO8601/RFC3339` format; allows ordering ahead even when vendor is closed. > This will be moved to the `Checkout` Request in the future. rounding: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckoutRounding' cart_items: title: Cart Items type: array uniqueItems: false minItems: 1 items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemWrappedWithRootMapNode' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemWrappedWithOriginalItem' calculated_cart_sum: type: array description: "A client-supplied array of the expected monetary values for the cart that is only used when the active configuration has Validate Cart Totals as true (Default is false). If the sum of supplied Total values for the array of calculated cart sums differs from what OAPI validates, the request is rejected." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartLine' check: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Check' customer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Customer' location: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Location' discounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppliedDiscount' fees: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppliedFee' payments: type: array uniqueItems: true minItems: 1 description: Payments associated to this order. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payment' subtotal: type: number description: |- Cost of Items, Including Inclusive Taxes, reduced by overall amount by item level reductions. > Deprecated: you should use `cart_totals` instead example: 83.74 deprecated: true cart_totals: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartTotals' CartTotals: title: Cart Totals description: Cumulative amounts totaled for functions within calculate. type: object properties: discounts_total: type: number format: float example: -15.00 description: contains all the discounts for items accumulated, that value is always represented as a negative value. fees_total: type: number format: float example: 2.50 description: contains all the fees for items accumulated. exclusive_tax: type: number format: float example: 1.25 description: contains all exclusive taxes for items and mods accumulated. inclusive_tax: type: number format: float example: 0 description: contains all inclusive taxes for items and mods accumulated. subtotal: type: number format: float example: 79.99 description: Cost of Items and Modifiers, Including Inclusive Taxes, reduced by overall amount by item level reductions. original_total: type: number format: float description: Original cost of Items and Modifiers without applied taxes, discounts or any other price modification. example: 94.99 total: type: number format: float example: 83.74 description: Subtotal, reduced by cart level reductions, plus Exclusive Taxes, Plus Fees. CartItemRequest: title: Cart Item Request required: - cost - id - name - quantity type: object description: All information for an item within a cart. used in `Calculate` Request properties: id: type: string example: "12691" description: "Identifier given to an item upon creation in Connect" quantity: type: number example: 1 description: "Quantity of units of an identical cart item. Items with different modifiers will be separate quantities." cost: type: number example: 6.63 description: "Price of a single unit of an item id including modifiers that are included or increase parent price. Does not include mods that add price to order. Assigned in Connect." notes: type: string example: "very spicy" description: "Additional notes added in Connect" name: type: string example: "Cheeseburger" description: "Item name in Connect" sku: type: string example: "7782-9300-9282" description: "SKU Number in Connect" tare_weight: example: 1 type: number description: "Associated with Tare Weight field in Connect. This is the weight associated with any non-chargable sundries required for sanitation, etc. when measuring the weight of an item." menu_groups: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemMenuGroup' modifiers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemModifier' categories: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCategory' CartItem: title: Cart Item required: - cost - id - name - quantity type: object description: "All information for an item within a cart." properties: id: type: string example: "12691" description: "Identifier given to an item upon creation in Connect" quantity: type: number example: 1 description: "Quantity of units of an identical cart item. Items with different modifiers will be separate quantities." cost: type: number example: 30.00 description: "Price of a single unit of an item id including modifiers that are included or increase parent price. Does not include mods that add price to order. Assigned in Connect." original_total: type: number example: 39.98 description: Original unit cost multiplied by quantity. original_unit_cost: type: number example: 19.99 description: Price of a single item before deductions were calculated total: type: number example: 30.00 description: Unit cost multiplied by quantity unit_cost: type: number example: 15.00 description: Unit cost after application of discounts, if applicable. subvendor_id: type: string description: List of identifiers that represents the sub-vendors assigned to a vendor (venue level). This element is created in connect under the Vendors page. Click on the `Add Sub` button that corresponds to the desired vendor. After the sub-vendor creation, it can be assigned to an existing item under the page Items > Items > Assigned Vendor. If this value is not set in connect the value "0" is returned. example: "5" notes: type: string example: "very spicy" description: "Additional notes added in Connect" name: type: string example: "Cheeseburger" description: "Item name in Connect" sku: type: string example: "7782-9300-9282" description: "SKU Number in Connect" tare_weight: example: 1 type: number description: "Associated with Tare Weight field in Connect. This is the weight associated with any non-chargable sundries required for sanitation, etc. when measuring the weight of an item." price_override: type: boolean example: True is_gift_card_item: type: boolean example: True description: Whether or not this item is purchased with a gift card menu_groups: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemMenuGroup' modifiers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemModifier' taxes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Taxes' categories: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCategory' discounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppliedDiscount' CartItemWrappedWithOriginalItemRequest: title: Cart Item Wrapped With Original Item Request description: This is an extra layer used for polymorphic functionality within the service, this is a request so contains fewer properties. type: object properties: original_cart_item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemRequest' CartItemWrappedWithOriginalItem: title: Cart Item Wrapped With Original Item description: This is an extra layer used for polymorphic functionality within the service. type: object properties: original_cart_item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItem' CartItemWithModifiersRequest: title: Cart Item With Modifiers Request required: - cost - id - name - quantity type: object description: "Cart item with nested modifiers, this is a request so contains fewer properties." properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SellableAPIItem' quantity: type: number example: 1.00 description: "Quantity of units of an identical cart item. Items with different modifiers will be separated quantities." activity: title: Cart Item Activity type: string description: "A string representing if it is a purchase or a return" example: ACTIVITY_PURCHASE enum: - ACTIVITY_PURCHASE - ACTIVITY_RETURN cart_item_cost: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCost' menu: type: object description: "Item position and configuration not part of calculation" properties: course_id: type: string description: "ID of \"course\" or \"Delivery Time\" used to group items for fulfillment." example: "41312" is_off_menu: type: boolean description: "Indicates if item selected is no part of a pre-configured menu. Item must still be available/assigned to vendor catalog and be available for purchase." default: false example: true map_node_items: type: object description: "Contains the flattened map of modifier selections keyed by the modifier's uuid to its cart item data" properties: <uuid>: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapNodeItem' MapNodeItem: type: object title: Map Node Item description: Contains a single map node item, Used to contain the references to a chosen modifier. properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Item' quantity: type: number example: 1.00 activity: type: string description: "A string representing if it is a purchase or a return" example: ACTIVITY_PURCHASE enum: - ACTIVITY_PURCHASE - ACTIVITY_RETURN cart_item_cost: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCost' CartItemWithModifiers: title: Cart Item With Modifiers required: - cost - id - name - quantity type: object description: "Cart item with nested modifiers." properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SellableAPIItem' quantity: type: number example: 1.00 description: "Quantity of units of an identical cart item. Items with different modifiers will be separated quantities." activity: title: Cart Item Activity type: string description: "A string representing if it is a purchase or a return" example: ACTIVITY_PURCHASE enum: - ACTIVITY_PURCHASE - ACTIVITY_RETURN cart_item_cost: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCost' discounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppliedDiscount' taxes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Taxes' menu: type: object description: "Item position and configuration not part of calculation" properties: course_id: type: string description: "ID of \"course\" or \"Delivery Time\" used to group items for fulfillment." example: "41312" is_off_menu: type: boolean description: "Indicates if item selected is no part of a pre-configured menu. Item must still be available/assigned to vendor catalog and be available for purchase." default: false example: true map_node_items: type: object description: "Contains the flattened map of modifier selections keyed by the modifier's uuid to its cart item data" properties: <uuid>: type: object properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Item' quantity: type: number example: 1.00 activity: type: string description: "A string representing if it is a purchase or a return" example: ACTIVITY_PURCHASE enum: - ACTIVITY_PURCHASE - ACTIVITY_RETURN cart_item_cost: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCost' map_node_item_computations: type: object description: "Contains the adjusted cost and computation method of each modifier in map_node_items" properties: <uuid>: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CartItemsUsedForModifiersComputation" CartItemWrappedWithRootMapNodeRequest: title: Cart Item Wrapped With RootMapNode Request description: Wrapper used only to contain cart_item_with_root_map_node, it is necessary because protobuf oneof is used and it requires this structur, this is a request so contains fewer properties. type: object properties: cart_item_with_root_map_node: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemWithModifiersRequest' CartItemWrappedWithRootMapNode: title: Cart Item Wrapped With RootMapNode description: Wrapper used only to contain cart_item_with_root_map_node, it is necessary because protobuf oneof is used and it requires this structure. type: object properties: cart_item_with_root_map_node: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemWithModifiers' CartItemsUsedForModifiers: title: Cart Item Used For Modifiers description: Being used to contain SellableItem and anything else needed to identify an item in a cart with modifiers. required: - cost - id - name - quantity type: object properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SellableItem' quantity: type: number description: "Quantity of units of a given cart item with identical modifiers. Items with different modifiers will be separated quantities." example: 1.00 activity: type: string description: "A string representing if it is a purchase or a return" example: ACTIVITY_PURCHASE enum: - ACTIVITY_PURCHASE - ACTIVITY_RETURN cart_item_cost: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCost' discounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AppliedDiscount' taxes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Taxes' CartItemsUsedForModifiersComputation: title: Cart Items Used For Modifiers Computation description: Being used to know the value or amount that results from applying a modifier. type: object properties: item: type: object properties: mode: type: string example: "ADD_PRICE_TO_ORDER" price_adjustment: type: number example: "1.39" description: "The amount this item's TotalCost has been increased or decreased in regard to the pricing mode. If this modifier's pricing mode is Increases or Included, the number will be negative or 0." original_unit_cost: type: number example: 12.49 description: the original price of a single unit of this item original_total_cost_per_unit: type: number example: 24.98 description: "the total cost of the quantity of this modifier per direct parent item. If 3 of this item exist per parent item, this value is 3 * original_unit_cost" original_total_cost: type: number example: 49.96 description: "total total cost of the modifier for the entire quantity of this cart item. If 3 of this item exist per parent item, and 2 parent items exist per top level cart item, and the top level cart item has quantity 2, this amount is 2 (top level cart item quantity) * 2 (parent item quantity) * 3 (quantity per parent) * original_unit_cost" adjusted_unit_cost: type: number example: 15.49 description: "unit cost after adjusting for pricing modes. If this item's pricing mode is Increases Parent Price or Included in Parent price, this number will be 0" adjusted_total_cost_per_unit: type: number example: 30.98 description: "total cost per parent unit after adjusting for pricing modes. If this item's pricing mode is Increases Parent Price or Included in Parent price, this number will be 0" adjusted_total_cost: type: number example: 61.96 description: "total cost of the modifier across the entire quantity of this cart item after adjusting for pricing modes. If this item's pricing mode is Increases Parent Price or Included in Parent price, this number will be 0" quantity_per_unit: type: number example: 2 description: "quantity of this modifier per parent item" total_quantity: type: number example: 12 description: "quantity of this modifier for the quantity of the top level cart item" CartItemCost: title: Cart Item Cost description: Object containing all the costs associated with an item type: object properties: original_total: description: "The cost of the original_unit_cost * the quantity of the item" type: number example: "20.00" original_unit_cost: description: "The cost of one quantity of the item. " type: number example: "10.00" total: description: "The cost of unit_cost * quantity of the item. " type: number example: "18.00" unit_cost: description: "The cost of one unit after discounts of the item." type: number example: "9.00" is_open_price: type: boolean description: "Indicates if the pricing is actually manually input by user. As opposed to being a price selected \"Custom Price Level\". Must be used in conjunction with \"price_overide\" to bypass calculation use of current active price level. Does not affect price calculation. Used for reporting purposes." default: false example: false active_price_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PriceLevel' Credential: description: Credentials used for PPI discounts properties: card_number: type: string example: "123454678" description: Associated card number for the credential card_pin: type: string example: "1234" description: Associated card pin number card_encryption: type: string example: "cnp" description: Used encryption method name: type: string example: "John Smith" description: User name associated to the card phone: type: string example: "1-888-88457158" description: Associated user's phone number email: type: string example: "some@email.com" description: Associated user's email account room_number: type: string example: "5" description: Associated user's room number Item: #TODO: this element should be reviewed on PLAT-681, and remove this comment from PLAT-680, cause V2 have more fields than V1 title: Item description: Contains all the information about an item type: object properties: id: type: string example: "4554" description: "Identifier given to an item upon creation in Connect" name: type: string example: "Fruit Loops" description: Human readable name made in Connect. Updateable, non-unique. This field is set in Connect during the item creation. display_name: type: string example: "Cheese" description: Human readable name made in Connect when setting the modifier. notes: #PLAT-680 This item is not shown in Connect>Items ?? type: string description: Field for including various notes about items. example: "Item needs to be applied with milk." sku: type: string description: Maps to SKU (Stock keeping unit) number field in Connect. example: "sku-555" gift_card: #PLAT-680 This item is not shown in Connect>Items ?? We do have type=giftcard type: boolean description: This field represents if the current item is a gift card or not. example: false price_override: type: boolean example: true description: This field shows if the price is overridden at venue/vendor level. Let's suppose that for BigCompany with 3 vendors in only one vendor they want to sell an item, lets say Coca-cola, in a higher rate, the BigCompany administrator can override the Coca-cola price at vendor level. tare_weight: type: number example: "0.55" description: Associated with `Tare Weight` field in Connect. This is the weight associated with any non-chargable sundries required for sanitation, etc. when measuring the weight of an item. In Connect, this field can be found under the item form in the `Secondary section`. discountable: type: boolean example: true description: This field represents if an item is used to satisfy requisites or rewards for cart or item-level discounts. If this value is set to false, the item value will not be eligible to satisfy rewards, so the item cost or the subtotal won't be affected. This field is set in Connect. taxable: type: boolean example: true description: This field represents if the item is applied to taxes calculation. If it is set to true, then the value of the item will be included when calculating taxes. If no, this item won't be used in taxes calculation. This fields doesn't affect the modifiers taxes values by itself. categories: description: This field holds an array elements `Category Items`, that describes all the categories assigned to the item. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCategory' item_attributes: description: This field holds an array elements `Attributes`, that describes all the attributes assigned to the item. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemAttribute' pos_category_ids: description: This is field is an array of IDs. Every ID represents an identifier that can be used to fetch additional information to be displayed on the Point of Sale (POS). type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/POSCategoryID' example: [ "1","2","3","4" ] upsell_items: type: array description: "List of upsell items. An upsell item is an extra item that gets offered as a suggestion when selling a product. They are set in connect." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpsellItem' custom_fields: type: array description: "Documentation Forthcoming" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemCustomField' external_names: description: This field holds the information about the name existing in a external system used in a special integration case. $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExternalNames" images: description: This field is an array with all the images paths associated to the item. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Image" item_availability: description: This field shows whether or not the item is available in given day part(s). $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemAvailability" original_cost: type: number description: This field represents the active price of the modifier item. example: 1.49 show_desc: type: boolean description: This fields is set in Connect under `Items form` in the `Display section`. If this value is set to true the item description is shown in the menu. example: false description: type: string description: This field holds the description to be shown in the menu, only visible if the show_desc field is set as true. This fields is set in Connect under `Items form` in the `Display section` example: "Family size fruit loops with extra sugar" calories: type: string description: Calories number set in Connect under `Items form` in the `Secondary section`. The type of this field is a string but it holds a number. *** This field will be shown in certain items types *** example: "450" calories_label: type: string example: "Kilocalories" description: Label to be applied to the `calories` field in the menu, this item set in Connect under `Items form` in the `Secondary section` *** This field will be shown in certain items types *** type: description: This field holds the information about the type of this item. $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemType" is_alcohol: type: boolean description: This field shows if the item is an alcohol drink, this value is set in Connect under `Items form` in the `Display section`. *** This field will be shown in certain items types *** example: false sort_order: type: string example: 1 description: This fields is string but internally is a number, this field set in in Connect under `Items form` in the `Display section`. This element is used in the serving orders, for example first the meat then the beverage. is_suite_item: type: boolean example: True description: This field shows if the item is a suite item or not. sold_as_item: type: boolean description: "Indicates item can be sold on its own without parent item." example: true used_as_modifier: type: boolean description: "Indicates if items is a 'modifier' item" example: true print_on_receipt: type: boolean description: "Indicates if item should appear on customer facing screens or receipt" example: false is_suite_package: type: boolean description: "Indicates if item is used as a Suite package item (contains suite items) and is a suite item" example: false ItemType: title: Item Type description: This object represents an item type. type: string enum: - "Meal" - "Food" - "Drink" - "Merchandise" - "Bundle" - "Gift" - "Shipping" ItemAvailability: type: object description: This object represents if an item is available at one more day parts. properties: always_available: type: boolean description: This field represents if the item is available or not, true means it is available. example: "true" availability: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Availability" Availability: type: object description: This object represents if an item is available at one more day parts. properties: daypart_ids: type: array description: This field holds an array of strings with that represents the IDs for the daypart that this availability object applies. items: type: string example: [ "5","7" ] ExternalNames: type: object description: This object represents a unique item in third party systems properties: status: type: string example: STATUS_ACTIVE enum: - STATUS_ACTIVE id: type: string example: "cer-1256677" class: type: string example: "cereal" POSCategoryID: title: POS Category ID description: Identifier of a POS Category element, a POS Category registry holds additional information about a category assigned to the point of sale, for example allergies or restrictions like alcohol limit restriction. type: string example: "1" SellableItem: title: Sellable Item description: An item that can be sold. Item is embedded but also has a root map node. It also contains all the possible child selections in map_node_items and map_node_item_computations associated to a modifier type: object properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Item' root_map_node: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RootMapNode' map_node_items: type: object properties: <uuid>: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SellableItem' map_node_item_computations: type: object description: "Contains the adjusted cost and computation method of each modifier in map_node_items" properties: <uuid>: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CartItemsUsedForModifiersComputation" SellableAPIItem: title: Sellable API Item description: This object represents an item that can be sold and wraps information about the item itself, its modifiers in a tree representation, and all the selected modifiers to apply to the item. The fields for this objects are `Item`, `root_map_node` and `map_node_items`. The field `Item` holds information created in connect with common fields for an Item. The `root_map_node` field holds the full tree of modifiers applicable to this element. Finally `map_node_items` hold the modifiers to be applied to an item in the context of an order (process and checkout endpoints). For additional information in every field please consult the reference in this document. type: object properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Item' root_map_node: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RootMapNode' map_node_item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapNodeItems' Location: title: Location (Vendor) description: The store, station and employee that made the purchase type: object properties: store_id: type: string example: "123" description: The store id where the purchase is made station_id: type: string example: "456" description: The station id where the purchase is made employee_id: type: string example: "789" description: The signed in employee that made the purchase MapNodeItems: type: object title: Map of selected Items in an order description: This map is a key, value object that represents a modifiers selection applicable to an Item in the context of an order. The key is the modifier identifier, and the value is the modifier itself. This object applies to Calculate and Checkout endpoints ***Only available in v2.*** properties: <uuid>: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Item' PriceLevel: title: Price Level description: This object represents a selection in the cart for a given item. It contains information about the item cost. Connect determines the appropriate price level to assign for the item when used by Ordering API. type: object properties: status: type: string enum: - "STATUS_UNSPECIFIED" - "STATUS_ACTIVE" description: This value represents the current status for the price level. Cost: type: number example: 458.58 description: This is field represents the value of the cost for the given price level, this value is stored including decimals (float) CartItemCategory: title: Cart Item Category required: - id - level type: object description: This object represents a category selected for an item, this selection is made by the user in Connect under the form Item > 'Secondary'. properties: id: type: string example: "15876" description: "Identifier assigned to item category in Connect at time of creation." name: type: string example: Food description: "Category Name from Connect" level: type: number example: 1 description: The category level in the category hierarchy. CartItemMenuGroup: title: Cart Item Group type: object description: Used to sort the item in the menu. properties: name: type: string example: Beverage description: User readable grouping name. description: type: string example: Shared group for Beverage description: User readable grouping description. rules: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemGroup_rules' CartItemGroup: title: Cart Item Group type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: name: type: string example: Beverage description: User readable grouping. rules: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemGroup_rules' items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItem' CartItemModifier: title: Cart Item Modifier type: object description: Item that can be added to the main item as a modifier properties: id: type: string example: "34254" description: "Id from Connect" cost: type: number example: 1.59 description: "Cost from Connect" quantity: type: number example: 2 description: "Quantity from Connect" name: type: string example: Pickle description: "Modifier name from Connect" sku: type: string example: 3452-7468-3457 description: "SKU from Connect" required: - id - cost - quantity - name CartItemModifiersItem: title: Cart Item Modifiers Item type: object properties: <uuid>: type: array example: 'asdf9-iuai8d-fas83-asnfia9' description: 'UUID matches a uuid of a map node. The object is the same of a cart item' items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SellableItem' CartItemGroup_rules: title: Cart Item Group Rules type: object properties: required: type: number example: 0 description: boolean true false represented by integer. maximum: type: number example: 3 description: max item limit for group. CartDiscount_external_reference: title: Cart Discount External Reference type: object description: "Reference to an external system" properties: name: example: "HAPPY-HOUR" description: "The external system's name" type: string id: example: 451 description: "The external system's id. This is an appetize field." type: string value: example: 10 description: "The value in which the external discount overwrote the value of the discount. This is an internal field." type: number CartDiscount_reduction_computation: title: Cart Discount Reduction Computation type: object description: "Describes how the discount was calculated." properties: value: type: number example: -15 description: "Value taken off the price of an item." method: type: string example: FINAL_COST description: "How the value taken off the price of an item. FINAL_COST, PERCENT and SUBTOTAL are the current values. For internal reference." CartLine: title: Calculated Cart Sum entry type: object description: "A single client-supplied expectation of what the subtotal of the cart should be. Review Cart.Subtotal for the definition of subtotal. The overall expected cart's subtotal can be broken into individual entries for readability and descriptions." properties: title: type: string description: "Client-specified name for this entry. This is a custom string value that is not validated." example: "expected full cart subtotal" type: type: string description: "Client-specified type for this entry. This is a custom string value that is not validated" example: "subtotal" value: type: number description: "A portion or complete value of the expected cart subtotal." example: 49.99 CheckoutRounding: title: Rounding description: Used to add rounding instructions type: object properties: amount: type: number description: "Is the difference between the cart total and the final amount with the right rounding precision added to it. For example, if you cart total is $1.50 and your precision is 1 (round to the next dollar), your amount should be 0.50" example: 0.79 is_round_up_for_charity: type: boolean description: "Defines if rounding for charity." hash: type: string description: "Encrypted rounding congiguration. Hash could be retrivied from vendors endpoint. See GET vendors endpoint for hash information." example: "464f876b9a8990d2c067e9144f8eff6b08ea9e0f4bfb9d4fc9599c43ea289e7b.eyJjcmVhdGVUaW1lIjoxNjIyMjM2NzI0LCJ0dGwiOjAsImRhdGEiOiJ7XCJ0eXBlXCI6XCJST1VORF9VUF9GT1JfQ0hBUklUWV9ET05BVElPTlwiLFwicHJlY2lzaW9uXCI6XCIxXCIsXCJhbGxvd2VkUGF5bWVudFR5cGVzXCI6W1wiQUxMXCJdfSJ9" Check: title: Check type: object description: Used to add additional information to an order. properties: number: type: string example: "1597" description: |- Used to quickly identify a check - Does not have to be unique number_additional_text: type: string example: "Brent" description: |- Additional information to display > Usually is a name guest_count: type: number example: 3 description: "Allows us to specify the number of guests at the table" RequestMalformed: title: Checkout Malformed type: object properties: Code: type: integer default: 400 message: type: string description: "Contains the returned message from the service after an unexpected request" example: "malformed request syntax" CharityRoundingType: title: Charity Rounding type: object properties: enabled: type: boolean description: "Tells if the rounding is enabled or disabled" example: true precision: type: number description: "Rounding precision" example: 1.50 allowed_payment_type: type: string description: "Describes the allowed payment. Option is set in Connect" example: "ALL" message: type: string description: "Message to display for the type at terminal" example: "Some interesting message" title: type: string description: "Title that displays at the terminal for the type" example: "The title" hash: type: string description: "Verification hash. Generated from Connect's signing key internally" example: "c455781f50cf33311e3f6e34886267e77f0e5916b65ad254143de531e58a8c9d.eyJjcmVhdGVUaW1lIjoiMTYyNTg2MDUxNyIsInR0bCI6MCwiZGF0YSI6IntcInR5cGVcIjpcIlJPVU5EX1VQX0ZPUl9DSEFSSVRZX0RPTkFUSU9OXCIsXCJwcmVjaXNpb25cIjpcIjEuMDBcIixcImFsbG93ZWRQYXltZW50VHlwZXNcIjpcIlwifSJ9" CheckoutRequest: title: Checkout Request type: object description: "Checkout V1 Request without modifiers" properties: send_email_receipt: type: boolean example: true description: "When 'true' is sent for this field, a receipt will be generated and emailed to the address passed in the Customer block" signed_cart: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SignedCart' CheckoutRequestWithModifiers: title: Checkout Request With Modifiers type: object description: "Checkout V2 Request with map node modifiers (signed_cart is not necessary if only device_order_uuid is provided)" properties: signed_cart: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SignedCartWithModifiers' payments: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Payment" description: "A payments block for use when using stored cart functionality. Payments can be passed in both on this field as well as SignedCart.Payments, but if this field is populated, it will be preferred over SignedCart.Payments" device_order_uuid: type: string format: uuid example: "84cd9786-2825-4fbe-94d7-0bfd37e8761e" description: "the device order UUID returned as part of CalculateCart's Signed Cart. Supplying this field, along with the sibling payments block, will allow the client to skip passing in the entirety of the signed cart." send_email_receipt: type: boolean example: true description: "When 'true' is sent for this field, a receipt will be generated and emailed to the address passed in the Customer block" CheckoutResponse: title: Checkout Response type: object description: "This is the response after sending a checkout request" properties: order_id: type: integer example: 12345 description: "This is the order id of the checkout in connect" Customer: title: Customer type: object properties: external_id: type: string example: patsmith description: Customer external identifier passed to checkout and then to connect. first_name: type: string example: Pat description: First Name last_name: type: string example: Smith description: Last Name email: type: string example: patsmith@example.com description: Email in lowercase address1: type: string example: 123 Happy Lane description: Main Address address2: type: string example: Apt 7 description: Alternative Address city: type: string example: Darling Heights description: City postal_code: type: string example: 90163 description: Postal Code Number maxLength: 5 minLength: 5 pattern: ([0-9]{5}) state: type: string example: CA maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 pattern: ([A-Z]{2}) description: State in `Postal Code` format, two letters in upper case. notes: type: string example: Sample notes description: Notes included by the customer phone_number: type: string description: 10 digits customer's phone number. Customers can receive order updates through text messages. example: 8881112233 pattern: ([1-9][0-9]{9}) required: - first_name - last_name - email - address1 - state CustomFee: title: Custom Fee type: object description: |- Custom Fees that can be applied to a cart. When interacting with Custom Fees via Ordering API it is mandatory to have `Default mobile ordering account` defined in Connect and pointing to a valid Terminal account. If this field is not set then custom fees are not going to be applied even if `Calculate Fees` flag is enabled. properties: id: type: string description: "Fee Identifier from Connect" name: type: string description: "Fee Name from Connect" hash: type: string description: "Fee hash" type: type: integer description: "Type of fee. FEE_TYPE_UNASSIGNED = 0 (represent a non assigned fee); FEE_TYPE_PERCENT = 1 (will make the fee be charged as a percentage); FEE_TYPE_FLAT = 2 (will make the fee a flat amount); FEE_TYPE_CUSTOM = 3; (Accounts for a manual flat fee)" value: type: number description: "Fee value is a number that can represent amount or percentage based on type" apply_before_discount: type: boolean description: "Applies fee to net or gross" auto_apply: type: boolean description: "From Connect. Sets fee to be automatically applied." is_taxable: type: boolean description: "Value from Connect, indicating whether fee is taxable or not." class: type: string description: "Indicates whether this is a standard fee, a gratuity charge or something else" vendor_id: type: string description: "Assigned vendor id to this fee." DayPart: title: Day Part type: object description: "Day parts are time periods in which a subset of items are available that is pulled from Connect." properties: name: type: string description: "Day part name" id: type: integer description: "Day part identifier" days: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DayPartDay' DayPartDay: title: Day Part Day type: object description: "The part(range of hours) of a given day when an item is available" properties: day: type: string description: "The day of the week when the items assigned to the day part will be available" start_time: type: string format: ISO8601 description: "The hour of the day in which the availability period for items assigned to the day part starts" end_time: type: string format: ISO8601 description: "The hour of the day in which the availability period for items assigned to the day part ends" DiscountsResponse: title: Discounts Response type: object description: "This describe the structure of the response from discounts endpoint" properties: discounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DisplayReduction' DisplayReduction: title: Display Reduction type: object description: "Reduction object, this reduction is a minimal version of a normal reduction, coming from stored discounts created on **Discounts->discounts** in Connect WEB" properties: id: type: string description: "Internal ID for the reduction" example: "123" name: type: string description: "Reduction name" example: "Buy One Item, Get 1 Free" tags: type: array items: type: string description: "Reference Tag(s) assigned or added to the reductions" example: - "10Off" - "50Off" ExternalData: title: External Data description: External payment data, Record of a payment not run through Connect type: object properties: card_art_cmid: type: string example: "" description: Card CMID auth_amount: type: string example: "72.44" description: String representation of the auth amount auth_currency: type: string example: "USD" description: String representation of currency type auth_status_code: type: string example: A description: Auth status code auth_code: type: string example: NU1508 description: Auth code balance: type: string example: "72.44" description: Account Balance capture_method: type: string example: SWIPED enum: - SWIPED - MANUAL description: How the credit card information was captured card_class: type: string example: "" description: Card class name card_status_code: type: string example: SUCCESS description: Card status code result card_token: type: string example: 4111111111111111 description: Cart internal token card_type: type: string example: "CREDIT_CARD" description: Issuing credit company confirmation_code: type: integer example: 447572755357 description: Confirmation payment code device_transaction_id: type: string example: "6494940015424444710 8594968817264133960" description: Device transaction identifier expiration_date: type: string example: "0204" description: String representation of card's expiration date invoice_number: type: string example: "123456789ade" description: Should be the same as deviceOrderId issuer_name: type: string example: "CHASE" description: Issuing bank masked_acc: type: string example: "1234***********9098" description: obfuscated card number payment_gateway: type: string example: "FIPAY" description: External patement gateway name payment_partner_data: type: object description: Data used and populated internally to facilitate returns for transactions using the PPI service. $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentPartnerData' receipt_identifier: type: object description: Not yet defined $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReceiptIdentifier' req_amount: type: string example: "50.20" description: Requested amount req_currency: type: string example: USD description: Requested currency transaction_identifier: type: object $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier' transaction_type: type: string example: Purchase enum: - Purchase - Return - Void - Sale description: Purchase, return, void, sale etc. transaction_uid: type: string description: Should contain the same value as deviceTransactionId example: "123456783ada" entitlement_id: type: string example: "" description: Entitlement identifier entitlement_type: type: string example: "" description: Entitlement type GetItemResponseV1: title: Get item V1 Response type: object description: "This object represents a response for get item version one (v1). It contains an element of type `item`" properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuItem' GetItemResponseV2: title: Get items response V2 type: object description: This object represents a response for the endpoint `GET /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/items` version two (v2). It contains an array of elements of type `item` with nested modifiers instead of simple items. properties: item: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemV2' GetVenuesResponse: title: Get venues response type: object description: This object represents a response for the endpoint `GET /ordering/corporate/{corporate_id}/venues`. It contains an array of elements of type `venue`. properties: venues: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Venue' Venue: title: Venue Object type: object description: This object represents a venue and includes its properties properties: venue_id: type: string description: Venue identifier example: "22" admin_email: type: string description: administrator email example: "some@email.com" call_number: type: string example: "1-800-55555555" convenience_fee: type: number description: convenience fee set up in connect for the venue example: 1.5 default_vendor_id: type: string description: default vendor id set up in connect example: "12" event: type: string description: Event title example: "January 26th - Disney on Ice: Worlds of Enchantment - San Diego" fee: type: boolean description: Describes if fees are activated or not example: true fee_in_percent: type: boolean description: Describes if the fee should be applied as a percentage example: false fee_text: type: string description: Fee description example: Some fee description image_url: type: string description: Url for the the display Image example: "http://someurl.net/image.png" info: type: string example: "some info" info_only: type: boolean example: true is_drink_limit_per_event: type: boolean description: Sets an amount of drinks limit for the event example: true is_open: type: boolean description: Tells if the venue is open example: true links: type: string example: http://valleyviewcasinocenter.com name: type: string description: Venue name example: Valle View Casino seat_required: type: boolean example: false status: type: number example: 1 text_number: type: string example: "45678" time_zone: type: string example: "America/Los_Angeles" tip_status: type: number description: Status for the tip 1-ENABLE 0-DISABLE enum: - 1 - 0 example: 1 type: type: number example: 1 alcohol_enabled: type: boolean description: Show if alcohol sells are enabled example: true disable_receipt: type: boolean description: Disable receipt print example: false email_opt_in_enabled: type: boolean example: true attributes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Attribute' custom_fields: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomField' ItemV2: title: Items with modifiers (V2) type: object description: This object represents an item for the endpoint `GET /ordering/venues/{venue_id}/vendors/{vendor_id}/items` properties: item: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SellableAPIItem' active_price_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PriceLevel' subvendor_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubVendorID' SubVendorID: title: Sub Vendor ID type: string description: List of identifiers that represents the sub-vendors assigned to a vendor (venue level). This element is created in connect under the Vendors page. Click on the `Add Sub` button that corresponds to the desired vendor. After the sub-vendor creation, it can be assigned to an existing item under the page Items > Items > Assigned Vendor. If this value is not set in connect the value "0" is returned. example: "5" LevelsMalformed: title: Checkout Levels Malformed properties: error: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" MenuDayPart: title: Menu Day Part type: object description: "MenuDayPart schema describes the elements of the Menu V1 endpoint response" properties: daypart_id: type: string description: "Unique identifier in Connect of the vendor day part" daypart_name: type: string description: "Name of the vendor day part" example: "Monday mornings" days: type: array description: "Array of days and time frame of the days included in the day part" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DayPartDay' items: type: array description: "Array of all the items available for the vendor in plain item instructure" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuItem' MenuDayPartV2: title: Menu Day Part type: object properties: daypart_id: type: string description: "Unique identifier in Connect of the vendor day part" example: "123" daypart_name: type: string description: "Name of the vendor day part" example: "Monday mornings" days: type: array description: "Array of days and time frame of the days included in the day part" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DayPartDay' items: type: array description: "Array of all the items available for the vendor in node map structure" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemV2' MenuItem: title: Menu Item required: - add_price_override - alcohol - cost - daypart_ids - default - description - id - image_url - name - original_bundle_cost - original_cost - sku - status - tare_weight - type - unit_cost - weight_item type: object properties: id: type: string description: "Unique identifier of the item in Connect" example: "123" name: type: string description: "Original name of the item. Does not support i18n" example: "Gouda Beef Burger" description: type: string description: "Short description of the item. Connect configurable" example: "200gr of beef wrapped in gouda in home made burger buns" status: type: string enum: - UNASIGNED - INACTIVE - ACTIVE - DELETED description: "Describes the current status of the item. Can be configured in Connect.<br/> Possible values: - UNASIGNED: The item is not assigned. Can't be displayed or interacted with - INACTIVE: The item may be available for display but cannot be interacted with - ACTIVE: Can be seen and interacted with - DELETED: The item has been deleted (soft) from Connect. Can be interacted to set it active or inactive" type: type: string enum: - FOOD - DRINK - MIXER - MIXER_BUILT - MERCH - BUNDLE - PARKING - TICKET - GIFT_CARD - SHIPPING - INTANGIBLE_MERCHANDISE - OTHER description: "Describes the mayor category the ite belongs to. Can be configured in Connect.<br/> Possible values: - FOOD: Edibles - DRINK: Beverages. Alcoholic beverages also have **alcohol** property set to TRUE - MIXER: Custom made drinks - MIXER_BUILT: Pre-made mixer drinks - MERCH: Any kind of merchandise like T-Shirts, mugs, etc. - BUNDLE: A package of two items (food and beverage) - PARKING: Parking pass items - TICKET: Event tickets - GIFT_CARD: Venue gift cards - SHIPPING: Shipping fees or services - INTANGIBLE_MERCHANDISE: Digital merchandise and alikes - OTHER: Items that don't belong to any of the previous categories" cost: type: number description: "Item total cost. Can be modified by quantities, taxes, or discounts." example: 3.14 unit_cost: type: number description: "The price of a single unit of the item." example: 1 original_cost: type: number description: "The original cost of the item, before any type of discounts or extra charges have been added." example: 0.5 original_bundle_cost: type: number description: "The original cost of the bundle, before any discount or extra charges have been added." example: 1.13 tare_weight: type: number description: "Net weight of the item." example: 1.166 alcohol: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if a beverage is alcoholic or not." example: true weight_item: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if the item weight has to be measured for charging." example: false default: type: boolean description: "Indicates if the item is preselected." example: true calories: type: number description: "The number of calories an item has." example: 1.166 sku: type: string description: "SKU number of the item." daypart_ids: type: array items: type: string description: "Array containing the unique identifiers in Connect of the day parts this item is assigned to" example: - "10" - "25" modifiers: type: array description: "Array containing available modifiers for the item" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Modifier' wizard_steps: type: array description: "Array containing the steps required to build or prepare this item. It may or may not include modifiers" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WizardStep' taxes: type: array description: "Array containing the tax rates that apply to the item" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuItemTax' categories: type: array description: "Custom report categories for the item. Can be configured in Connect Report Category" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartItemCategory' image: type: string description: "Contains the server location (url) of the item image" example: "http://uploads.dev.ent.appetize-dev.com/images/thumb_239_1600969890.png" calories_label: type: string description: "the item unit or portion in which the calories are expressed. Package, portion, etc." example: "calories" item_attributes: type: array description: "Array including a additional attributes of the item. The attributes are special traits or considerations the item requires, like disclaimers or warnings." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemAttribute' allow_sold_out_sales: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates is an item can still be sold after its inventory has ben exhausted" example: true images: type: array description: "Array containing the server location (url) of the item images" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemImage' item_max_quantity: type: string description: "Indicates the maximum quantity of an item" example: "10" min_qty_per_transaction: type: number description: "Indicates the minimum quantity per item" example: 1 display_name: type: string description: "The name of the item to be displayed. Can be configured in Connect" example: "Cheeseburger" interact_display_name: type: string description: "The name of the item to be displayed in Interact. Can be configured in Connect" example: "Cheeseburger IW" sold_out: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if the inventory of an item has been exhausted" example: false show_description: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if UI should display the description property" example: true sort_order: type: string description: "Number indicating the sort order. Smaller numbers have higher priority. <br> If two objects have the same priority, then they are sorted alphabetically. <br> Every item with sort order defined has higher priority than those who don't have it." example: "1" featured: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if an item must be displayed in the featured section of the UI" example: true subvendor_id: type: number description: "Unique identifier in Connect of the subvendor serving the item" example: 22 item_restrictions: type: array description: "Documentation Forthcoming" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemRestriction' custom_fields: type: array description: "Documentation Forthcoming" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemCustomField' pos_category_ids: type: array description: "Array containing unique POS categories identifiers. POS categories are a mechanism to allow unlimited nested categorization of items. Can be configured in Connect" items: type: string example: - "10" - "25" upsell_items: type: array description: "List of upsell items. An upsell item is an extra item that gets offered as a suggestion when selling a product. They are set in connect." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpsellItem' example: id: "12691" name: Cheeseburger description: Salty blue cheese, sweet onions, and juicy beef are a classic and addictive combination. status: ACTIVE type: FOOD cost: 8.44 unit_cost: 0 original_cost: 8.55 original_bundle_cost: 5.44 tare_weight: 2.34 alcohol: false weight_item: false default: false calories: 560.44 sku: "58889309657" image: "test.jpg" daypart_ids: - "10" - "25" modifiers: - id: 123 name: Mustard display_name: Lots of Mustard description: Yellow mustard status: ACTIVE sku: abc123 modifier_id: 5335 image_url: mustard.jpg wizard_steps: - id: "123" title: Wizard Steps description: Would you like to modify your burger? index: 0 multiple_choice: true is_required: true enabled_min_max_modifiers: true cross_threshold: true additional_modifier_charge: 0.99 min_modifiers: 2 max_modifiers: 6 modifiers: - id: "123" name: Mustard display_name: Lots of Mustard description: Yellow mustard status: ACTIVE sku: abc123 modifier_id: "5335" image_url: mustard.jpg taxes: - id: "123" order: 0 is_active: true is_geo_tax: false type: TAX_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE value_type: TAX_VALUE_TYPE_PERCENTAGE threshold_logic: THRESHOLD_LOGIC_UNASSIGNED rate: 9.89 price_threshold: amount: 10.23 name: My Tax Rate code: "" categories: - id: "15876" name: "Category Food" level: "The category level in the category hierarchy" item_attributes: - id: "21" name: "mexican" description: "mexican food" sort_order: 0 display_name: "mexican" display_description: "mexican food" attribute_image_icon: "" images: - image_full_res: "http://uploads.dev.ent.appetize-dev.com/images/full_res_239_1600969890.png" image: "http://uploads.dev.ent.appetize-dev.com/images/thumb_239_1600969890.png" item_restrictions: - type: "restriction type" name: "restriction name" value: 5 custom_fields: - id: "field id" value: "field value" key: "field key" name: "field name" calories_label: "calories" allow_sold_out_sales: true item_max_quantity: "2" display_name: "Cheeseburger" interact_display_name: "Cheeseburger IW" sold_out: true show_description: true sort_order: "1" featured: false subvendor_id: 22 pos_category_ids: - "10" - "25" upsell_items: - id: "1023" - id: "25364" ItemAttribute: title: Item Attribute type: object description: The different attributes associated to an item. This is set up in Connect and helps determine where and how a given item can be used, as well as which functionality is or is not applicable to it. properties: id: type: string description: "Identifier given to item upon creation in Connect" name: type: string description: "Name made upon creation of item. Updatable, non-unique" description: type: string description: "Short description of the attribute. Updatable, non-unique" sort_order: type: number description: "Number indicating the sort order. Smaller numbers have higher priority. <br> If two objects have the same priority, then they are sorted alphabetically. Every item with sort order defined has higher priority than those who don't have it." display_name: type: string description: "Name of the attribute to be displayed in UI. When not set, the *name* property is used." display_description: type: string description: "Description of the attribute to be displayed in UI. When not set, the *description* property is used." attribute_image_icon: type: string description: "The server location (URL) of the attribute icon image." example: id: "21" name: "mexican" description: "mexican food" sort_order: 0 display_name: "mexican" display_description: "mexican food" attribute_image_icon: "" ItemImage: title: Item Image type: object description: "An object containing the server location (URL) of the item images" properties: image_full_res: type: string description: "Contains a link to the full resolution image of the item" image: type: string description: "Contains a link to a lower quality image of the item" example: image_full_res: "http://uploads.dev.ent.appetize-dev.com/images/full_res_239_1600969890.png" image: "http://uploads.dev.ent.appetize-dev.com/images/thumb_239_1600969890.png" ItemRestriction: title: Item Restriction type: object description: "Sale restrictions that may apply over an item" properties: type: type: string description: "The type of the restriction. Indicates how should be used.<br/> Possible values: - AGE: An age restriction for the purchase of an item. - EXTERNAL: Any other type of restriction that's required" name: type: string description: "Name of the restriction. To be displayed in UI" value: type: number description: "When the restriction is of type *AGE* this field represents the age limit for the restriction to apply. It has no use in other types of restrictions." example: type: "restriction type" name: "restriction name" value: 5 ItemCustomField: title: Item Custom Field type: object description: "Custom fields are any extra property a user needs to add to an item. Used for customization and improving of reporting and other uses." properties: id: type: string description: "The unique identifier in Connect of the custom field" value: type: string description: "The actual value of the property" key: type: string description: "The key used to locate the property internally" name: type: string description: "A name for the field. Can be used for reporting and display purposes" example: id: "field id" value: "field value" key: "field key" name: "field name" MenuNotFound: title: Menu Not Found description: "Documentation Forthcoming" MenuResponse: title: Menu Response type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: menu: type: array description: "Documentation Forthcoming" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuDayPart' MenuV2Response: title: Menu V2 response description: "This describe the structure of the response from the Menu V2 endpoint" type: object properties: menu: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuDayPartV2' UpsellItem: title: Upsell Item type: object description: This object represents an upsell item; an extra item that gets optionally offered to entice the client when a main product is sold. properties: id: type: string example: "15876" description: "Identifier assigned to upsell item. Set in connect." TipResponse: title: Tip type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: message: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: "Payment processed" LevelsResponse: title: Levels Response type: object description: "Levels array" properties: levels: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Level' Level: title: Level type: object description: "Level basic information" properties: id: type: string description: "Level internal identifier" example: "4" name: type: string description: "Level name" example: "Legends 100 server" LevelNotFound: title: Level Not Found description: "Documentation Forthcoming" PaymentPartnerData: properties: provider: type: string description: string name of the used partner credential: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Credential' description: Contains the basic credentials that will be applied payment_data: type: string description: a is the string just as it comes out of the payment in the generic payment response transaction_uid: type: string description: Should contain the same value as deviceTransactionId example: "123456783ada" ReceiptIdentifier: properties: authorization_code: type: string description: Not yet defined example: "110024" SeatsResponse: title: Seats Response type: object description: "Returns all seats assigned to a venue's level." properties: sections: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Section' Section: title: Section type: object description: "Sections consist of an internally generated id and a human readable descriptive name. The hierarchy under which sections exist is as follows: Levels -> Sections" properties: id: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: "4" name: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: "section A" rows: type: array description: "Documentation Forthcoming" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Row' TransactionIdentifier: properties: local_request_id: type: string description: to be defined example: "576408" remote_request_id: type: string description: Unique identifier generated remotely by the Payment. Processor Gateway for this transaction (may be null if it never reached the Gateway) example: "ID:6592079941720216" merchant_reference_code: type: string description: to be defined example: "6695c4ee4b040ff045743ed37" authorization_code: type: string description: to be defined example: "197408" original_transaction_type: type: string description: to be defined enum: - "SALE" - "VOID" - "REFUND" - "AUTHORIZE" - "ADJUSTMENT" - "CAPTURE" example: "CAPTURE" expiration_date: type: string description: to be defined example: "1223" current_total_amount: type: number description: to be defined example: "22.5" account_token: type: string description: to be defined Row: title: Row type: object description: "Rows consist of an internally generated id and a human readable descriptive name. The name can be modified using Appetize's Connect dashboard. The hierarchy under which rows exist is as follows: Levels -> Sections -> Rows" properties: id: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: "4" name: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: "row 12" seats: type: array description: "Documentation Forthcoming" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Seat' Seat: title: Seat type: object description: "Seats consist of an internally generated id and a human readable descriptive name. The name can be modified using Appetize's Connect dashboard. The hierarchy under which seats exist is as follows: Levels -> Sections -> Rows -> Seats" properties: id: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: "4" name: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: "seat 1" Modifier: title: Modifier type: object description: "Modifiers are other items that can be included to change or enhance an item. They can be configured in Connect." properties: id: type: string description: "Unique identifier of the modifier-item association. Changes every time the item is assigned to an item" example: "456" name: type: string description: "Original name of the item. Does not support i18n" example: "Onion rings small" description: type: string description: "Short description of the item. Connect configurable" example: "3 onion rings with sauce of your choice" display_name: type: string description: "The name of the item in displays. When not configured, the **name** property will be used." status: type: string enum: - UNASIGNED - INACTIVE - ACTIVE - DELETED description: "Describes the current status of the item. Can be configured in Connect.<br/> Possible values: - UNASIGNED: The item is not assigned. Can't be displayed or interacted with - INACTIVE: The item may be avilable for display but cannot be interacted with - ACTIVE: Can be seen and interacted with - DELETED: The item has been deleted (soft) from Connect. Can be interacted to set it active or inactive" sku: type: string description: "SKU number of the item" modifier_id: type: string description: "Unique identifier in Connect of the modifier item" cost: type: number description: "Total cost of the modifier" example: id: "123" name: Mustard display_name: Lots of Mustard description: Yellow mustard status: ACTIVE sku: abc123 modifier_id: "5335" cost: 12.99 OpenHour: title: Open Hour type: object description: "Defines the range of time for which the vendor is open." properties: day: type: integer description: "UNASSIGNED = 0; MONDAY = 1; TUESDAY = 2; WEDNESDAY = 3; THURSDAY = 4; FRIDAY = 5; SATURDAY = 6; SUNDAY = 7;" start_time: type: integer description: "Amount of seconds since midnight that represent the open time. This value, for its nature, is not time zoned" end_time: type: integer description: "Amount of second since midnight that represent the closing time. This value, for its nature, is not time zoned" OrderType: title: Order Type type: object description: "User defined field that describes an order type. This is set inside connect" properties: id: type: string description: "Internally generated order type identifier" name: type: string description: "Contains the name of the order type associated to the previous ID field. The name gets set in connect under the order types section and the id is internally associated when created" Payment: title: Payment required: - amount - authorization_code - card_encoded - card_number - card_status - card_type - cardholder_fullname - cardholder_name - code_map - encryption_type - exp_date - fee - payment_index - payment_status - payment_type - payment_valid - refunded - remaining_balance - subpayment_type - subtotal_amount - tax - tip type: object description: Object containing all the information to be added as payment to an order. properties: amount: type: number format: double example: 83.74 description: Payment amount. authorization_code: type: string example: "A10123" description: Issuer authorization reference code for CC payments (Response). card_encoded: type: boolean example: true description: Indicates whether the card number is encoded. cardholder_fullname: type: string format: ISO7813 example: "Test Card 12 UAT USA" description: Extended name. Used when length > 26 chars using ISO7813, usually from EMV tag 5F20. cardholder_name: type: string example: "Test Card" format: ISO7813 description: Short name in ISO7813 format, parsed from track data or EMV tag 9F0B. card_number: type: string example: 374245XXXXX1006 description: |- Card Number always is masked, some examples: - 374245XXXXX1006 - 374245000001006 card_status: type: string example: Active description: |- Likely a gift card field returned from status query, some examples: - Active - Inactive > This value depends on issuer. card_type: type: string enum: - VISA - MASTERCARD - DISCOVER - AMEX example: VISA description: Card issuer name. code_map: type: integer example: 22 description: Code maps are the core of how CBORD works, They are configurable on Connect - Settings - Integrations - CBORD page. custom_tender_id: type: string example: "1234" description: |- The ID of the custom tender used to make the purchase. To use a custom tender as payment, you must include the custom tender ID and ensure you're using payment type 12. You can also use the additional_data field to indicate the invoice number for the payment. encryption_type: type: string enum: - cp - cnp - p2pe - onguard - applepay - nfc - nfc_unencrypted - emv example: cp description: |- This describes both encryption type AND entry mode. ``` ENCRYPTION_TYPE_CARD_PRESENT = "cp"; //swiped with unencrypted swiper, encrypted with Appetize Key ENCRYPTION_TYPE_CARD_NOT_PRESENT = "cnp"; //manually entered, encrypted with Appetize Key ENCRYPTION_TYPE_P2PE = "p2pe"; //P2P injected reader, swiped. Likely encrypted with BridgePay Key ENCRYPTION_TYPE_ON_GUARD = "onguard"; //Ingenico Encryption, ENCRYPTION_TYPE_APPLE_PAY = "applepay"; //Should deprecate. Mobile payment using ACS NFC reader, denoting ApplePay, could be GPay.. ENCRYPTION_TYPE_NFC = "nfc"; //Ingenico contactless tap (MSD) using onGuard encryption ENCRYPTION_TYPE_NFC_UNENCRYPTED = "nfc_unencrypted"; // Non-CC ACS NFC reader, i.e.Fortress? ENCRYPTION_TYPE_EMV = "emv"; //Ingenico chip inserted using onGuard encryption ``` exp_date: type: string format: MM/YY example: 09/23 description: Credit card expiration date. external_data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExternalData" fee: type: number format: double example: 35.53 description: Fee amount. gateway_response_data: type: string example: "{\"customResponseData\":\"Some custom response here\"}" description: |- BLOB containing all the data received from indirect integration payment_index: type: integer example: 0 description: Position in JSON payments array payment_status: type: string enum: - COMPLETED - REFUNDED - FAILED - DECLINED - AWAITING PAYMENT - OFFLINE example: COMPLETED description: current status of the payment. payment_type: type: integer example: 1 description: | Describes the link to a value in the paymentType Block in Store or Vendor ``` SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_UNDEFINED = -1; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_SPLIT_INT = 0; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_CREDIT_INT = 1; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_CASH_INT = 2; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_GIVEX_INT = 3; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_PARTIAL_INT = 4; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_HOUSE_INT = 5; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_BEACON_INT = 6; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_APPLEPAY_INT = 7; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_WRISTBAND_INT = 8; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_SUBMIT_WITH_NO_PAYMENT_INT = 9; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_STORED_VALUE_INT = 11; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_SKIDATA_DIRECT_INT = 14; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_LOADED_VALUE_INT = 15; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_TIN_CAPS_INT = 16; SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_FOLIO_INT = Integer.valueOf(SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_FOLIO); SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_DINING_PLAN_INT = Integer.valueOf(SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_DINING); SERVER_PAYMENT_TYPE_FIPAY_GIFT_MERCH_CREDIT_INT = 23; payment_valid: type: boolean example: true description: abstract implementation -> payment_status != null && !payment.status.equals(PAYMENT_STATUS_ERROR_FATAL) payment_uuid: type: string format: uuid example: e54f5e96-0139-4fca-80b9-ef7ec6d03f1b description: Unique Identifier for this payment. refunded: type: boolean example: true description: On order lookup we return all payments. This fields denotes whether or not this payment in the payments array has already been refunded. remaining_balance: type: number format: double example: 8.21 description: Remaining Balance of gift card after payment. Typically Gift Cards can be from Debit Gift Cards but not always. subpayment_type: type: integer example: 1 description: | Describes the secondary properties of primary payment type (conceptual example -> CreditCard.Elavon, GiftCard.SkiData, where Elavon and SkiData are the subpayment type) ``` SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_UNDEFINED = -1; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_BRAINTREE = 3; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_SPREEDLY = 4; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_FORTRESS = 5; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_GIVEX = 7; // DSI-346 Is this correct? SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_FREEWAY = 8; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_SKIDATA_POINTS = 9; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_SKIDATA_CASH = 10; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_STADIS = 12; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_SKIDATA_DIRECT = 13; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_SKIDATA_LOADED_VALUE = 14; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_MONERIS = 11; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_CBORD = 16; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_EIGEN = 17; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_FIPAY = 20; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_LEVEL_UP = 26; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_FOLIO = 24; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_DINING = 24; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_DVIC = 20; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_VALUTEC = 29; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_VANTIV = 39; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_FREEWAY_SDK = 32; SERVER_SUBPAYMENT_TYPE_ELAVON_SDK = 36; ``` subtotal_amount: type: number format: double example: 34.02 description: Subtotal amount is without tax, tip, fee, etc. tax: type: number format: double example: 2.17 description: Amount of payment allocated to tax. tender_name: type: string enum: - Cash - Coupon Code - Others example: Cash description: Tender Type or Paymnet Method. tip: type: number format: double example: 2.17 description: Amount of payment allocated to tip. payment_identifier_for_display: type: string example: 1234 token_value: type: string example: bce451618c93a32e69e7a774504d994c ppi_loyalty_id: type: string example: 4125454 description: Loyalty ID used to access PPI discounts. ppi_pin: type: string example: 789 description: Secret PIN for PPI discounts additional_data: type: string example: "INV-124679" description: When doing checkout with a custom tender, the **additional_data** property can be used to send an invoice number related to this order for that custom tender. change: type: number format: double example: 4.5 description: Amount to be returned to the customer when paying with *cash*. amount_tendered: type: number format: double example: 4.5 description: Amount given by the customer when paying with *cash*. PaymentType: title: Payment Type type: object description: | title: Payment types table: | Payment ID | Subpayment ID| Name | |------------|--------------|--------------| |0|0| Split Payment| |1|0| Credit Card | |2|0| Paid in cash | |3|0|On loaded ticket (old Givex payment type)| |4|0|Partial Payment| |5|0| On House| |6|0| Beacon| |7|0| ApplePay| |8|0| Wristband| |9|0| Submit With no Payment| |10|0| Credit Chip| |11|5|Stored value - Fortress| |11|6|Stored value - Blackboard| |11|7|Stored value - Givex| |11|8|Stored value - Freeway Gift Card| |11|9|Stored value - Skidata points/member benefits| |11|10|Stored value - Skidata cash/loyalty| |11|12|Stored value - Stadis| |11|15|Streamline| |11|16|Stored value - CBORD| |11|23|Stored value - Lava| |11|29|Stored Value - Valutec Giftcards| |11|30|Stored value - The Customer Connection (TCC)| |11|33|Stored Value - Freeway Stored Value| |11|39|Stored Value - Vantiv Giftcard| |11|40|Atrium| |11|41|Atrium Debit| |11|42|Atrium Meal| |11|44|Freeway External Value| |11|46|Custom PPI Integration| |11|47|Paytronix| |12|0|Custom tender| |13|0|Paypal| |14|0|Skidata Direct Payment| |14|13|Skidata Direct Payment in Enterprise| |15|0|Skidata Loaded Value| |15|14|Skidata Loaded Value in Enterprise| |16|0|Streamline aka Tin Caps Loaded value (Classic checkout only)| |18|20|Prepaid Cards - Disney Rewards| |19|0|Folio Charge| |20|0|Lava| |21|0|Alvarado (Loaded Value)| |22| |Tokenized Payment| |22|22|Freeway (Tokenized Payment)| |22|45|Elavon (Tokenized Payment)| |23|20|Store Credit| |24|27|Online Order| |25| |Dining Plan| |26|20|Virtual Card (Disney Visa Instant Credit)| |30|35|Punchh| |31|34|Skidata Enterprise Payments (Type 3 integration)| properties: id: type: string description: "Payment type identifier" name: type: string description: "Name describing the payment type" subpayment_type_id: type: string description: "Subpayment type for the payment" button_text: type: string description: "User facing name of the payment" SignedCart: title: Signed Cart type: object description: Contains the result of a calculate request, and adds a signature of the content with expiration date. additionalProperties: false properties: cart: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartResponse' sig: type: string description: The signature is displayed in base64 format, HMAC and SHA256 are used to generate it. example: acP2yuwKrZDutFzVk2N5-QfaihQTVSyHaEeX6kT-aF4 exp: type: string description: The expiration date in timestamp format is considered part of the signature, this value cannot be changed. example: "1619037777" required: - cart - sig - exp SignedCartWithModifiersWrapper: title: Signed Cart With Modifiers Wrapper type: object description: This schema exists cause of protobuf internal definition in order to wrap a cart with modifiers. properties: cart_with_modifier_items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartWithModifiersResponse' SignedCartWithModifiers: title: Signed Cart With Modifiers type: object description: "A validated cart that contains items that may have root map nodes" additionalProperties: false properties: cart: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SignedCartWithModifiersWrapper' sig: type: string description: The signature is displayed in base64 format, HMAC and SHA256 are used to generate it. example: acP2yuwKrZDutFzVk2N5-QfaihQTVSyHaEeX6kT-aF4 exp: type: string description: The expiration date in timestamp format is considered part of the signature, this value cannot be changed. example: "1619037777" required: - cart StoreNotFound: title: Store Not Found type: string description: "This error will be returned when the store used to make a request is not found" example: 404 page not found StoreUser: title: Defines the active user properties: id: type: integer description: "User ID" email: type: string description: "user email" MenuItemTax: title: Menu Item Tax description: This object holds the information of the different tax rates that are assigned to an item. Tax can be added individually or by tax group. They can be assigned to the item or to a vendor through the vendor role. type: object properties: id: type: string description: "Unique identifier of the tax rate in Connect" order: type: integer description: "Order in which the tax rates should be sorted. " is_active: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if a tax rate is active and can be applied" is_geo_tax: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if the tax rate is a geotax. GeoTax is a an inclusive tax type that allows users to apply an inclusive tax rate to a defined geo-fence." type: type: string enum: - INCLUSIVE - EXCLUSIVE description: "The type of the tax rate. Type directly influences how a tax rate is charged.<br/> Possible values: - EXCLUSIVE: Tax rates explicitly added to an item. They are calculated over the item cost and always modify the order total. - INCLUSIVE: Tax rates implicitly added to an item. They are included in the item cost and never modify the order total" value_type: type: string enum: - PERCENTAGE - FLAT - TABLE description: "The type in which the tax rate value is expressed.<br/> Possible values: - PERCENTAGE: The amount representes a percentage of the item cost - FLAT: The amount represents a flat, invariable amount - TABLE: The amount represents a specific value of a given tax table." threshold_logic: type: string enum: - NOT SET - FULL description: "When enabled, the tax will be applied to the item only if the cart fullfils the threshold logic.<br/> Possible values: - NOT SET: No threshold is configured. The logic cannot be applied - FULL: When the price of the item is greater or equal than the threshold value, the threshold logic will apply." rate: type: number description: "The amount of the tax to be applied. It could represent a percentual or flat amount" price_threshold: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaxPriceThreshold' name: type: string description: "The name of the tax rate. It can be configured in Connect" code: type: string description: "A configurable code for the tax rate. Is empty by default. Can be configured in Connect." generated_id: type: number description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: id: "123" order: 0 is_active: true is_geo_tax: false type: TAX_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE value_type: TAX_VALUE_TYPE_PERCENTAGE threshold_logic: THRESHOLD_LOGIC_UNASSIGNED rate: 9.89 price_threshold: amount: 10.23 name: My Tax Rate code: "" generated_id: 23 VendorRole: title: Vendor Role type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: taxes_on_total: type: boolean description: "When true, the vendor's assigned taxes are applied to the subtotal; when false, each individual item's assigned taxes are calculated for each respective item" taxes_on_fees: type: boolean description: "True for taxable fees" example: taxes_on_total: true taxes_on_fees: false VendorIntegrationPermission: title: Vendor Integration Permission type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: integration_template_id: type: integer description: "Documentation Forthcoming" status: type: integer description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: integration_template_id: 123 status: 1 VendorTax: properties: id: description: "Internal id for the vendor tax. Gets created when the vendor tax is created in Connect" type: string example: 1234789 order: description: "Defines the order in which the tax is applied" type: integer example: 1 is_active: description: "Defines if the tax is applied or not. A true value indicates that it is being applied" type: boolean example: 1 is_geo_tax: type: boolean description: "It tells if a location should be used to activate the tax. Uses specially formatted json location file at tax creation" type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorTaxType' value_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorTaxValueType' threshold_logic: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorTaxThresholdLogic' rate: description: "Basis for the tax. If it's ValueType Flat, and Rate is 2, it means $2 flat tax. If it's Percent, it'd be a 2% tax" type: number example: 2 price_threshold: type: object description: "Item or order subtotal value that when reached will have the tax applied in its entirety. If tax is triggered at a 20 dollar threshold because value is 36 dollars, taxable amount is 36 and not 16 or 20" properties: amount: type: number example: 20 name: type: string description: "Name assigned for the tax in connect" example: "10% inclusive" code: type: string description: "Two digit code that get printed in the receipt. It is defined by the user in the tax creation process" example: 34 generated_id: type: integer VendorTaxThresholdLogic: type: integer description: " Determines at what point to apply the tax. See price threshhold for further explanation (OAPI doesn't handle this right now) THRESHOLD_LOGIC_UNASSIGNED = 0; THRESHOLD_LOGIC_FULL = 1; THRESHOLD_LOGIC_ABOVE = 2; THRESHOLD_LOGIC_BELOW = 3;" enum: [ 0,1,2,3 ] VendorTaxType: type: integer description: "Predefined tax value to determine if the tax is inclusive or exclusive. Inclusive tax is already accounted in the items prices, exclusive does not. TAX_TYPE_UNASSIGNED = 0; TAX_TYPE_INCLUSIVE = 1; TAX_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE = 2" enum: [ 0,1,2 ] example: 2 VendorTaxValueType: type: integer description: "Defines if the tax is a flat, percentile or table tax. If it is a table tax, it gets determined by subsets of value ranges for the sale amount(low end value and high end value setup in connect when creating the tax) TAX_VALUE_TYPE_UNASSIGNED = 0; TAX_VALUE_TYPE_PERCENTAGE = 1; TAX_VALUE_TYPE_FLAT = 2; TAX_VALUE_TYPE_TABLE = 3;" enum: [ 0,1,2,3 ] example: 1 POSCategory: type: object properties: id: type: string description: "Internal system id associated to the category" example: "12345678" display_name: type: string description: "Associated name for the category. Get assigned at creation time" example: "pos number 1" level: description: "POS categories can be nested. This value defines their depth level. LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED = 0; LEVEL_ONE = 1; LEVEL_TWO = 2; LEVEL_THREE = 3;" enum: [ 0,1,2,3 ] parent_category_id: description: "In case of nested categories, a child category will include here the id of the immediate parent category id" type: string sort_order: type: integer description: "Defines the order in which the category gets displayed" example: 2 sales_channel: type: string description: "Field used to filter sales. It is usually POS or KIOSK" image: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Image' image_icon: type: string description: "Defines the icon path. Normally a .png file" example: http://uploads.dev.ent.appetize-dev.com/receipt-images/thumb_239_1600969890.png Image: title: Image type: object description: "Contains the url paths for an image" properties: image_full_res: type: string description: "Path for the full resolution image" image: type: string description: "Path for the commonly used image" example: image_full_res: "http://uploads.dev.ent.appetize-dev.com/receipt-images/239_1600969637.jpg" image: "http://uploads.dev.ent.appetize-dev.com/receipt-images/thumb_239_1600969637.jpg" ActiveUser: title: Active User type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: id: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" email: type: string description: "Documentation Forthcoming" example: id: "5028988" email: "active.user@appetize.com" Taxes: title: Taxes required: - active - generated_id - id - price_threshold - tax_name - tax_rate - tax_type - tax_value - value_type type: object description: Taxes applied to a set of items. properties: id: type: integer example: 16546 description: ID of tax type generated_id: type: integer example: 1234 description: ID of this Instance of the tax uid: type: string format: uuid description: "Unique service generated UUID" example: "4dc0f47e-5beb-457a-9ec9-32a8f4aefc10" active: type: boolean example: true description: whether this tax is currently active value_type: type: string enum: - PERCENT - FLAT - TABLE example: PERCENT description: The method of tax application price_threshold: type: number example: 20 description: Item or order subtotal value that when reached will have the tax applied in its entirety. If tax is triggered at a 20 dollar threshold because value is 36 dollars, taxable amount is 36 and not 16 or 20 threshold_logic: type: string example: FULL enum: - FULL - UNDER - BELOW description: Logic used to apply threshold. tax_name: type: string example: Il State Tax description: Readable name of tax for printing tax_rate: type: number example: 5.0 description: Percentage of tax rate. tax_code: type: string example: NT description: Code used to identify internaly this Tax. tax_type: type: string enum: - INCLUSIVE - EXCLUSIVE example: INCLUSIVE description: Exclusive is what you see in tax totals. Inclusive is embedded tax in the item which the customer doesn't see directly. tax_value: type: number example: 0.87 description: The calculated value. TaxPriceThreshold: title: Tax Price Threshold type: object description: "This object defines the amount the item has to cost in order for the threshold logic to apply" properties: amount: type: number description: "A number representing the price the item must surpass for the threshold logic to apply" example: amount: 12.35 TaxRuleSet: title: Tax Rule Set type: object description: "Rules on tax application" properties: is_charged_after_discount: type: boolean description: "Charge the tax after applying the discount" is_tax_on_fee: type: boolean description: "Determines if fee is taxed" is_tax_on_tip: type: boolean description: "Determines if tip is taxed" is_tax_on_total: type: boolean description: "Determines if tax is applied to total amount" UnprocessableEntity: title: Unprocessable Entity properties: Code: type: integer default: 422 message: example: "At least one product does not belong to vendor or has incorrect price." type: string description: Response due to an error in the format of the request body, such as a string sent as a number. Content-Type: type: string CartUserRequest: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CartUser' CartUser: title: Cart User type: object description: User properties that can be used in an order, such as discount codes. properties: discounts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserDefinedDiscounts' UserDefinedDiscount: title: User Defined Discount required: - discount_type type: object description: Discounts that the user can use on an order, a type is required and the barcode can be optional. additionalProperties: false properties: discount_type: type: string description: This will match an internal reference tag set up in Discounts. example: vacation-club barcode: type: string description: Used as an external identifier for discount validations. example: 97801-45678-5678-6 UserDefinedDiscounts: title: User Defined Discounts type: array description: List of user defined discounts nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserDefinedDiscount' Vendor: title: Vendor type: object description: "Vendor general information" properties: id: type: string description: "Vendor identifier" name: type: string description: "Vendor Name" additional_info: type: string description: "This maps to the 'Additional Info' field for the vendor role. It is used by Interact Web and other 3rd party applications to display vendor information" alcohol_rule_set: description: "Establishes alcohol sales restrictions" $ref: '#/components/schemas/AlcoholRuleSet' alcohol_enabled: type: boolean description: "Allows the sale of alcoholic products for the selected vendor" bundle_count: type: integer description: "Documentation Forthcoming" hours_of_operation_enabled: type: boolean description: "Lets the end user know if the vendor is open or closed" custom_fees: type: array description: "Available set of custom fees" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomFee' open_hours: type: array description: "This ties to the 'hours of operation' field up above. Return an object containing the configured hours of operation for the vendor when set.<br/> If not set, returns an empty array. Hours of operation are what it sounds like - the hours during the day that the vendor is open for orders. It is used to indicate whether the vendor is open or closed, instead of the vendor status of open / closed" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OpenHour' order_capacity: type: integer description: "Documentation Forthcoming" is_pickup_order: type: boolean description: "Defines if orders can be picked up at the vendor. In connect you can find it under mobile ordering option under the fiel Pickup Vendor" pickup_location: type: string description: "Usually the location of the vendor/subvendor" tax_rule_set: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaxRuleSet' description: "Documentation Forthcoming" tip_enabled: type: boolean description: "Indicates if a tip can be charged" venue_id: type: string description: "Identifier for the venue that contains the current vendor" open: type: boolean description: "Indicates if the vendor is open" dayparts: type: array description: "Set of dayparts for the vendor" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DayPart' payment_types: type: array description: "Vendor's available payment types" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentType' order_types: type: array description: "Returns all of the order types configured for the vendor, these are user configured values but typically are things like 'For Here' and 'To Go' or 'Delivery'" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderType' vendor_role: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorRole' vendor_taxes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorTax' external_id: type: string description: "A field for clients to write the IDs of the items in their own systems. So if they have like an inventory system of their own, they can 'link' the information." multi_level_modifiers: type: boolean description: "Specifies if the vendor is using new modifiers, which is a multi level/nested schema of modifiers. Nested modifiers are items composed by other items of the product catalog instead of standalone entities (edited)" pos_categories: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/POSCategory' terminal_id: type: string description: "The account id of the account that is setup for the 'default mobile ordering account' inside the vendor - this is used by IW and others to communicate with other internal systems and to grab terminal role information for this vendor" time_zone: type: string description: "Vendor's time zone" example: "America/Los_Angeles" vendor_integration_permissions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VendorIntegrationPermission' seat_confirmation_enabled: type: boolean description: "Indicates if the vendor requires the customer to confirm their selected seat before ordering" image_url: type: string description: "URL of the vendor's configured image" display_name: type: string description: "Display namefor the vendor" example: "3554 World of Disney" active_user: description: "Contains basic user information based on the userID." $ref: '#/components/schemas/StoreUser' scan_to_add_to_cart: type: boolean description: "Enables or disables Scan & Go functionality in Interact Web based on Scan to Add to Cart Flag in Connect under Vendor Role - Mobile Ordering Transactions" pickup_time_selection_enabled: type: boolean description: "Indicates if Order Ahead is enabled for this vendor" pickup_times: description: "A list of avaibale pick up times for the vendor. Then only pickup times that are later than current time + configured prep time will be considered valid" type: array items: type: string description: Represents Order Ahead available Time Slots in ISO8601 format example: 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00 charity_rounding_types: description: "Includes rounding details for charity rounding types only" type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CharityRoundingType' custom_fields: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomField' hide_menu: type: boolean description: "Enables or disables hide menu in Interact Web based on Hide Menu in Connect under Vendor Role - Mobile Ordering Transactions. Scan to Add to Cart must be enabled in order to have access to this toggle" seat_required: type: boolean description: "Indicates if the seat is required for a mobile ordering in a venue with Interact Web. This is in Connect under Settings - Mobile Ordering" VendorsResponse: title: Vendors Response type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: vendors: type: array description: "Documentation Forthcoming" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Vendor' CustomField: title: Custom field type: object properties: id: type: string description: id for the field example: "22" key: type: string example: "some key" name: type: string example: "some name" value: type: string example: "some value" type: type: string example: "some type" attributes: type: string example: '{"foo":"bar"}' reference_id: type: string example: "123456789" WizardStep: title: Wizard Step type: object description: "In Connect, a wizard is a series of well defined steps to prepare an item. A wizard step is any given step of that series" properties: id: type: string description: "Unique identifier in Connect of the current wizard step" title: type: string description: "Title or name of the current wizard step" index: type: integer description: "Position in which this step should be blaced in the whole wizard process" multiple_choice: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if the current wizard step allows the selection of multiple modifiers" is_required: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if the current wizard step is required to order the item it belongs to" enabled_max_min_modifiers: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if the current wizard step has minimum and maximum bounds for the number of modifiers that can be assigned" cross_threshold: type: boolean description: "Flag that indicates if the threshold of modifiers can be crossed in the current wizard step" additional_modifier_charge: type: number description: "How much will be charged for any modifier beyond the max" min_modifiers: type: integer description: "Minimum number of modifiers that can be assigned in the current wizard step" max_modifiers: type: integer description: "Maximum number of modifiers that can be assigned in the current wizard step" modififers: type: array description: "Modifiers to be considered for a given wizard step." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Modifier' example: id: "123" title: Would you like to modify your burger? index: 0 multiple_choice: true is_required: true enabled_min_max_modifiers: true cross_threshold: true additional_modifier_charge: 0.99 min_modifiers: 2 max_modifiers: 6 modifiers: - id: "123" name: Mustard display_name: Lots of Mustard description: Yellow mustard status: ACTIVE sku: abc123 modifier_id: "5335" image_url: mustard.jpg RootMapNode: title: Root Map Node type: object description: When working with composed modifiers, the root map node represents the main item to which modifiers will be associated. ***Only available in v2.*** properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BsonID' description: "Unique internal Product Catalog identifier of the object" example: "4dc0f47e-5beb-457a-9ec9-32a8f4aefc10" template_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BsonID' description: "Unique internal Product Catalog identifier of the template map node being used as root map node" example: "4dc0f47e-5beb-457a-9ec9-32a8f4aefc11" item_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemID' description: "Unique internal Connect identifier of the item being used as root map node" example: 12345 tags: type: array description: "Searchable tags. " items: type: string description: "A string describing a tag used to search root map nodes when using Product Catalog service" example: [ "food", "spicy" ] sort_order: type: integer description: "Number indicating the sort order. Smaller numbers have higher priority. <br> If two objects have the same priority, then they are sorted alphabetically. <br> Every item with sort order defined has higher priority than those who don't have it." example: 1 map_nodes: type: array description: "Array of other items related to the main (root) item as modifiers." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapNode' map_groups: type: array description: "A named group of additional MapNodes and/or MapGroups. " items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapGroup' item_updated: description: deprecated and this field will be removed in the future. $ref: '#/components/schemas/EpochTime' updated: description: this field represents the actual modification time for the root map node $ref: '#/components/schemas/EpochTime' uuid: type: string format: uuid.v4 description: "Unique service generated UUID v4." example: "4dc0f47e-5beb-457a-9ec9-32a8f4aefc10" unique_id: type: string description: "Product Catalog internal ID for the item" example: "" external_id: type: string description: "Unique 3rd party identifier for an item. Used to keep item data consistent across Appetize and client systems." example: "12345" status: type: string description: this field represents the current status of the root map node RMN, it shows if the RMN is active or deleted (soft deleted) example: ACTIVE enum: - ACTIVE - DELETED MapNode: title: Map Node type: object description: "A map node is any item marked as **modifier** in Connect and that is currently associated to another item as modifier through a **map group**" properties: template_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BsonID' description: "Unique internal Product Catalog identifier of the template map node being used as root map node" example: "4dc0f47e-5beb-457a-9ec9-32a8f4aefc11" item_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemID' description: "Unique internal Connect identifier of the item being used as root map node" example: "12345" tags: type: array description: "Searchable tags. " items: type: string description: "A string describing a tag used to search map nodes" example: [ "food", "spicy" ] uuid: type: string format: uuid.v4 description: 'a service generated UUID v4, intended for use by Activate' example: "5ea0342f-fab3-447a-92e8-ed29055a6312" unique_id: type: string description: "Product Catalog internal ID for the item" example: "" external_id: type: string description: "Unique 3rd party identifier for an item. Used to keep item data consistent across Appetize and client systems." example: "552589" map_nodes: type: array description: "Array of items that are currently associated to this item as modifiers through a **map group**" example: [ ] map_groups: type: array description: "Array of named / purposed groups of additional MapNodes and/or MapGroups" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapGroupNested' item_updated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EpochTime' MapNodeNested: title: Map Node type: object description: "A map node is any item marked as **modifier** in Connect and that is currently associated to another item as modifier through a **map group**" properties: template_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BsonID' description: "Unique internal Product Catalog identifier of the template map node being used as root map node" example: "4dc0f47e-5beb-457a-9ec9-32a8f4aefc11" item_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemID' description: "Unique internal Connect identifier of the item being used as root map node" example: "12345" tags: type: array description: "Searchable tags. " items: type: string description: "A string describing a tag used to search map nodes" example: [ "food", "spicy" ] uuid: type: string format: uuid.v4 description: 'a service generated UUID v4, intended for use by Activate' example: "5ea0342f-fab3-447a-92e8-ed29055a6312" unique_id: type: string description: "Product Catalog internal ID for the item" example: "" external_id: type: string description: "Unique 3rd party identifier for an item. Used to keep item data consistent across Appetize and client systems." example: "552589" map_nodes: type: array description: "Array of items that are currently associated to this item as modifiers through a **map group**" example: [ ] map_groups: type: array description: "Array of named / purposed groups of additional MapNodes and/or MapGroups" item_updated: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EpochTime' MapGroup: title: Map Group type: object description: "A named group of additional MapNodes and/or MapGroups." properties: name: type: string example: "Accesories" description: 'name for use in CoreAPI or Connect UI' tags: type: array description: "A string describing a tag used to search map nodes " items: type: string example: [ "connect-ui" ] sort_order: type: integer description: "Number indicating the sort order. Smaller numbers have higher priority. <br> If two objects have the same priority, then they are sorted alphabetically. <br> Every item with sort order defined has higher priority than those who don't have it." example: 1 type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapGroupType' description: "Type of the map group. References Map Group Type" rules: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GroupRules' description: "Rules for the map group. References Group Rules" map_groups: type: array description: "Array of named / purposed groups of additional MapNodes and/or MapGroups" map_nodes: type: array description: "Array of items that are currently associated to this item as modifiers through a **map group**" items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapNodeNested' example: [ ] uuid: type: string format: uuid.v4 description: 'a service generated UUID v4, intended for use by Activate' example: "3487829f-8a89-4ea8-9585-9e37d72e9091" template_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BsonID' description: "Unique internal Product Catalog identifier of the template map node being used as root map node" example: "4dc0f47e-5beb-457a-9ec9-32a8f4aefc11" unique_id: type: string description: "Product Catalog internal ID for the item" example: "" external_id: type: string description: "Unique 3rd party identifier for an item. Used to keep item data consistent across Appetize and client systems." example: "12345" display_name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultiText' description: 'localized name' interact_display_name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultiText' description: 'localized name for Interact Web' sales_channels: type: array description: Sales channels associated with this ItemSet/MapGroup. If omitted, defaults to ALL items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SalesChannel' MapGroupNested: title: Map Group type: object description: "A named group of additional MapNodes and/or MapGroups." properties: name: type: string example: "Accesories" description: 'name for use in CoreAPI or Connect UI' tags: type: array description: "A string describing a tag used to search map nodes " items: type: string example: [ "connect-ui" ] sort_order: type: integer description: "Number indicating the sort order. Smaller numbers have higher priority. <br> If two objects have the same priority, then they are sorted alphabetically. <br> Every item with sort order defined has higher priority than those who don't have it." example: 1 type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapGroupType' description: "Type of the map group. References Map Group Type" rules: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GroupRules' description: "Rules for the map group. References Group Rules" map_nodes: type: array description: "Array of items that are currently associated to this item as modifiers through a **map group**" example: [ ] map_groups: type: array description: "Array of named / purposed groups of additional MapNodes and/or MapGroups" uuid: type: string format: uuid.v4 description: 'a service generated UUID v4, intended for use by Activate' example: "3487829f-8a89-4ea8-9585-9e37d72e9091" template_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BsonID' description: "Unique internal Product Catalog identifier of the template map node being used as root map node" example: "4dc0f47e-5beb-457a-9ec9-32a8f4aefc11" unique_id: type: string description: "Product Catalog internal ID for the item" example: "" external_id: type: string description: "Unique 3rd party identifier for an item. Used to keep item data consistent across Appetize and client systems." example: "12345" display_name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultiText' description: 'localized name' interact_display_name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultiText' description: 'localized name for Interact Web' sales_channels: type: array description: Sales channels associated with this ItemSet/MapGroup. If omitted, defaults to ALL items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SalesChannel' MapGroupType: title: Map Group Type type: string description: "Describes the type a map group can have. - Set: Group of modifiers planned for use in an item/modifier (can only contain Modifiers) - Category: *Deprecated* - Instruction: Group of instructions available for selection with an item/modifier (can only contain Instructions) - Additional: Group of modifiers that can optionally be added to an item/modifier (can only contain Modifiers)" enum: - GROUP_SET - GROUP_CATEGORY - GROUP_INSTRUCTION - GROUP_ADDITIONAL EpochTime: title: Epoch Time type: string description: epoch time in milliseconds. example: "1585164084" SalesChannel: title: Sales Channel default: ALL type: string description: "Sales channel where an item is available to purchase. <br/> Possible values: - All: Available in all channel - POS: Point of sales - Kiosk: Interact Kios - Mobile: Phone apps" enum: - ALL - POS - KIOSK - MOBILE MultiText: title: Multi Text type: object description: 'localized group name data intended for use by Activate and Interact' example: en-us: A string In English fr: Une chaine en Francais additionalProperties: type: object properties: code: type: string example: "en_us" text: type: string example: "Mashed potatoes" GroupRules: title: Group Rules type: object description: "Descriptors of Product Catalog data. They tell how the ItemSet should be displayed by the Client, and also the rules for its immediate child nodes" properties: show_description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GroupRuleShowDescription' count: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GroupRuleCount' display_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GroupRuleDisplayType' default_mode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GroupRuleDefaultMode' hidden_label: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GroupRuleHiddenLabel' fixed_item_selection: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GroupRuleFixedItemSelection' node_rules: type: object description: "Documentation Forthcoming" properties: <item_id>: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MapNodeRules' example: "1378264": { "count": { "minimum": 1, "maximum": 1 }, "default": { "value": false }, "pricing_mode": { "mode": "ADD_PRICE_TO_ORDER" }, "increases_max": { "value": true }, "exceed_max": { "value": false }, "exceed_max_price": { "amount": 0 }, "appearance": { "value": "VISIBLE" }, "sort_order": { "value": 0 } } GroupRuleShowDescription: title: Group Rule Show Description type: object description: "Show Description for Group; Text supports localization, text['en-us']='English Text'" required: - text properties: text: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultiText' GroupRuleCount: title: Group Rule Count type: object description: "Indicates the maximum and minimum number of elements of the group that can be included with each group parent." properties: minimum: type: number description: "Lower bound" example: 1.0 maximum: type: number description: "Upper bound" example: 1.0 GroupRuleDisplayType: title: Group Rule Display Type type: object description: " Display type determines how Item Sets appear on Interact X (IX). By default is set to **Expanded**.<br/>Possible values are: - Expanded: Item Set and all its content appears visible when IX first displays the item details screen - Collapsed individually: Item Set and all its content appears collapsed when IX first displays the item details screen. User has to expand each item set individually by clicking the arrow button beside the item set name - Collapsed as group: All Item Sets flagged with this option at the same level will appear collapsed when IX first displays the item details screen (as one group). IX adopts the name from the item set with the lowest sort order on the UI. User has to expand all item sets as a group by clicking the arrow button beside the item set name." properties: value: type: string default: EXPANDED description: "One of the values described above" enum: - EXPANDED - COLLAPSED_INDIVIDUALLY - COLLAPSED_AS_GROUP GroupRuleDefaultMode: title: Group Rule Default Mode type: object description: "Default Mode indicates how Activate will display an Item Set by default.<br/>Possible values are: - Show Selections: Only display selected modifiers in the cart, receipt, etc., do not display deselected modifiers. - Show Adjustments: Only display modifiers in which there is an adjustment (deselected default, increased quantity) or if it has a price." properties: value: type: string description: "One of the strings described above." default: SHOW_SELECTIONS enum: - SHOW_SELECTIONS - SHOW_ADJUSTMENTS GroupRuleHiddenLabel: title: Group Rule Hidden Label type: object description: "Text that Interact will display inside an item set, when it contains hidden items " properties: text: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultiText' GroupRuleFixedItemSelection: title: Group Rule Fixed Item Selection type: object description: "Value that describes if whether or not an item-set selection is fixed " properties: value: type: boolean example: true MapNodeRules: title: Map Node Rules type: object properties: pricing_mode: description: "Pricing mode describes how the modifier item cost should be charged" $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeRulePricingMode' count: description: "Indicates the maximum and minimum number of elements of the group that can be included with each group parent." $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeRuleCount' default: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeRuleDefault' increases_max: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeRuleIncreasesMax' exceed_max: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeRuleExceedMax' exceed_max_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeRuleExceedMaxPrice' appearance: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeRuleAppearance' sort_order: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeRuleSortOrder' NodeRulePricingMode: title: Node Rule Pricing Mode type: object description: "Describes how modifier cost should be charged.<br/>Possible values are: - Add price to order: Adds modifier cost directly to order total. Doesn't affect item cost calculation but affects cart subtotal. - Include in parent price: Modifier cost is included into parent cost. Generally does not affect subtotal. - Increase parent price: Modifier cost increases parent cost. Will affect both, item cost calculation and order subtotal." required: - mode properties: mode: type: string description: "One of the values described above" enum: - 'ADD_PRICE_TO_ORDER' - 'INCLUDED_IN_PARENT_PRICE' - 'INCREASES_PARENT_PRICE' example: ADD_PRICE_TO_ORDER NodeRuleCount: title: Node Rule Count type: object description: "Indicates the maximum and minimum number of elements of the group that can be included with each group parent." properties: minimum: type: number description: "Lower bound" example: 1 maximum: type: number description: "Upper bound" example: 1 default: type: number description: "Default count value" example: 1 NodeRuleDefault: title: Node Rule Default type: object description: "Defines if the modifier is preselected within this item map." properties: value: type: boolean example: true NodeRuleIncreasesMax: title: Node Rule Increases Max type: object description: "Defines if the modifier counts towards the limits in the set. " properties: value: type: boolean example: true NodeRuleExceedMax: title: Node Rule Exceed Max type: object description: "Defines if the modifier can be selected to exceed the limit on the set" properties: value: type: boolean example: true NodeRuleExceedMaxPrice: title: Node Rule Exceed Max Price type: object description: "Cost that each unit of the modifier will have when beyond the max." properties: amount: type: number example: 10 NodeRuleSortOrder: title: Node Rule Sort Order type: object description: "Number indicating the sort order. Smaller numbers have higher priority. <br> If two objects have the same priority, then they are sorted alphabetically. <br> Every item with sort order defined has higher priority than those who don't have it." properties: value: type: number example: 1 description: "Number indicating the sort order" NodeRuleAppearance: title: Node Rule Appearance type: object description: "Describes the visibility of the node map.<br/>Possible values are: - Visible: The modifier shows in its regular menu placement - Hidden: The modifier is hidden from the UI - Featured: The modifier is in the featured/highlighted section of the menu" properties: value: type: string description: "One of the values described above" default: VISIBLE example: VISIBLE enum: - VISIBLE - HIDDEN - FEATURED AplSessionTokenRequest: title: APL Cloud Session Token Request type: object required: - terminal_id - amount properties: terminal_id: type: string example: "151922" description: Terminal ID (for which existing configuration under gateway credentials) amount: type: string example: "5.99" payment_type: type: string enum: - CreditCard - CardOnFile - ApplePay - GooglePay - Paypal example: CreditCard gateway: type: string example: FreedomPay description: Can be "Elavon, FreedomPay" freedom_pay_hpc: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FreedomPayHpc' FreedomPayHpc: type: object properties: credit_card: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditCard' apple_pay: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApplePay' google_pay: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GooglePay' paypal: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Paypal' CreditCard: type: object properties: button_type: type: integer example: 1 description: Can be a number between 1 and 7 card_icon_display_type: type: integer example: 1 description: Can be a number between 1 and 3 card_number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditCardSimpleCode' culture_code: type: string example: "en-US" expiration_date: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditCardCode' postal_code: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditCardCode' security_code: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditCardCode' styles: type: string example: ".exampleStyle{padding:10px;}#exampleStyle2{margin:5rem;}" validation_message_type: type: integer example: 1 description: Can be a number between 1 and 3 workflow_type: type: integer example: 1 description: Can be a number between 1 and 2 CreditCardSimpleCode: type: object properties: label_type: type: integer example: 1 placeholder_type: type: integer example: 1 CreditCardCode: type: object properties: label_type: type: integer example: 1 placeholder_type: type: integer example: 1 validation_type: type: integer example: 1 ApplePay: type: object properties: button_type: type: integer example: 1 button_color: type: integer example: 1 styles: type: string example: ".exampleStyle{padding:10px;}#exampleStyle2{margin:5rem;}" response_type: type: integer example: 1 auto_finalize_payment: type: boolean example: true GooglePay: type: object properties: button_type: type: integer example: 1 button_color: type: integer example: 1 billing_address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BillingAddress' is_email_required: type: boolean example: false response_type: type: integer example: 1 Paypal: type: object required: - invoice_number properties: currency_code: type: string intent: type: integer example: 1 invoice_number: type: integer example: 12345 description: "Only used by Paypal, generated by Appetize" BillingAddress: type: object properties: format: type: integer example: 1 is_phone_number_required: type: integer example: 1 is_required: type: boolean example: true AplSessionTokenResponse: type: object properties: session_token: type: string example: "abC0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIU" timestamp: type: string example: "2019-06-26T04:47:55.196Z" iframe: type: string example: '<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="https://hpc.uat.freedompay.com/api/v1.5/controls?sessionKey=eyJhbGciOiJBMjU2R0NNS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2Q0JDLUhTNTEyIiwiaXYiOiIxbDVUdkRSYTVmc0QzaW8yIiwidGFnIjoibG5SZmVVaWhFR2tHRVR4QzUyc1A3USIsInppcCI6IkRFRiJ9.zWyZFQdEtQBUjFatWox4pnWWFGSEs-dmXSftN6IDKB5DysbPhXTJftCy8gEgbQvIoBdKgGGlLYc9EbJOqRtiVA.3hzb6z0ySfe7PuRaEQ-wxQ.oeFjdim6h11jxvog2GKt91zc4uVD0YETsujjJzrZzr8LN5JhfdZIkUHOyqtiHCExQJZJSqA6dYhOsU_qzDtOpuXxOFfmKK4D2cO04YGUPIG29FF-2DV4m1f-myhA24LbMub-lHPg2oN7ENUR9d0ybgAGC8i2VKb_r6lEZgAaxuSCEkO1pKrRJ15NRZbEjuEjc5xpxTEm44tjZB-miQ0ATOG8pildmLy0vSFfsmYqeQsaWky_CRPVSF81ZXzpsr5_ogbjJxvmus3uk3nvW8uZHSxAJT1S5nFy65bCM2vEHgX8d2eykScr6F1Chv2SVeqk7yH0dDAWXDPPgIq9-i5MrxAVXjQArXabJlcdkg-hXUsEB95qgFLu3jvDpQNFOvAz_ytq7T2Wz9YcBcb8DBSJEn18AAnBuoyV6qs0yDP1Gwasl-SXu2em7E_lQqfMGCgpaOuAPH2D7ix3_TQL5oWr3OGUIqpftX0SeVV1m452n0gE6uGeA00sB4ZA6QvsPt_n.vY41IhVSzBW9x-6cq9HwP5cn6PPqj09qlAoFP48A4bY"></iframe>' AplPaymentRequest: type: object required: - session_key properties: session_key: type: string example: "eyJhbGciOiJBMjU2R0NNS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2Q0JDLUhTNTEyIiwiaXYiOiIxbDVUdkRSYTVmc0QzaW8yIiwidGFnIjoibG5SZmVVaWhFR2tHRVR4QzUyc1A3USIsInppcCI6IkRFRiJ9.zWyZFQdEtQBUjFatWox4pnWWFGSEs-dmXSftN6IDKB5DysbPhXTJftCy8gEgbQvIoBdKgGGlLYc9EbJOqRtiVA.3hzb6z0ySfe7PuRaEQ-wxQ.oeFjdim6h11jxvog2GKt91zc4uVD0YETsujjJzrZzr8LN5JhfdZIkUHOyqtiHCExQJZJSqA6dYhOsU_qzDtOpuXxOFfmKK4D2cO04YGUPIG29FF-2DV4m1f-myhA24LbMub-lHPg2oN7ENUR9d0ybgAGC8i2VKb_r6lEZgAaxuSCEkO1pKrRJ15NRZbEjuEjc5xpxTEm44tjZB-miQ0ATOG8pildmLy0vSFfsmYqeQsaWky_CRPVSF81ZXzpsr5_ogbjJxvmus3uk3nvW8uZHSxAJT1S5nFy65bCM2vEHgX8d2eykScr6F1Chv2SVeqk7yH0dDAWXDPPgIq9-i5MrxAVXjQArXabJlcdkg-hXUsEB95qgFLu3jvDpQNFOvAz_ytq7T2Wz9YcBcb8DBSJEn18AAnBuoyV6qs0yDP1Gwasl-SXu2em7E_lQqfMGCgpaOuAPH2D7ix3_TQL5oWr3OGUIqpftX0SeVV1m452n0gE6uGeA00sB4ZA6QvsPt_n.vY41IhVSzBW9x-6cq9HwP5cn6PPqj09qlAoFP48A4bY" description: obtained from AplSessionTokenResponse iframe freedom_pay: type: object required: - terminal_id - token_information properties: terminal_id: type: string example: "151922" description: Terminal ID (for which there's a configuration under gateway credentials), required for creating PosSyncId payment_key: type: string example: "19d22def-a77e-4a60-a718-428577738864" description: returned once the payment/submit button inside iframe has been clicked token_information: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentTokenInformation' card: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentCard' purchase_totals: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentPurchaseTotals' invoice_header: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInvoiceHeader' ship_from: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentShipFrom' ship_to: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentShipTo' items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentItem' client_meta_data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentClientMetaData' pos: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentPos' apple_pay: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentApplePay' token_create_service: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentTokenCreateService' PaymentTokenInformation: type: object properties: expiration_month: type: integer example: 01 expiration_year: type: integer example: 2021 token: type: string example: "abc123" PaymentCard: type: object properties: name_on_card: type: string example: "Jane Smith" maxLength: 35 description: Level 2/3 data - Name of card holder card_type: type: string example: "credit" maxLength: 35 description: Level 2/3 data - Denotes the rail in which a payment was processed i.e. debit, credit, cashless, token, stored value, Apple Pay, GooglePay PaymentPurchaseTotals: type: object required: - charge_amount properties: charge_amount: type: number example: 9.99 description: Level 2 data - Tender amount, may be different than the actual grand total tax_total: type: number example: 9.99 description: Level 2 data - Total amount of tax applied to the ticket discount_total: type: number example: 9.99 description: Level 2 data - Total discounted amount from purchase PaymentInvoiceHeader: type: object properties: purchaser_code: type: string example: "abc123" description: Level 2 data - Customer identifier PaymentShipFrom: type: object properties: postal_code: type: string example: "12345" minLength: 4 maxLength: 9 description: Level 2 data - Postal Code of shipFrom information. Must have spaces and hyphens removed. PaymentShipTo: type: object properties: postal_code: type: string example: "12345" minLength: 4 maxLength: 9 description: Level 2 data - Postal Code of shipTo information. Must have spaces and hyphens removed. country: type: string example: "US" minLength: 2 maxLength: 3 description: Level 2 data - Country of shipTo information. Any ISO-3166 2- letter, 3-letter, or 3-digit code PaymentItem: type: object properties: product_sku: type: string example: "12345" maxLength: 30 description: Level 3 data - SKU assigned to the product product_name: type: string example: "Product Name" maxLength: 35 description: Level 3 data - Name of the product product_description: type: string example: "Product description..." maxLength: 40 description: Level 3 data - Description of the product unit_price: type: number example: 9.99 description: Level 3 data - Price per unit of the item quantity: type: number example: 1 description: Level 3 data - Quantity of item purchased total_amount: type: number example: 9.99 description: Level 3 data - Total amount of item (unit price x quantity), after discounts (use origTotalAmount and origUnitPrice if discounts are applied) tax_included_flag: type: string example: "N" description: Level 3 data - Used to determine if the tax was applied to the total amount. 'Y' if totalAmount includes taxAmount. 'N' if totalAmount does not include taxAmount. Default is 'N' if not specified. tax_amount: type: number example: 9.99 description: Level 3 data - Total amount of tax applicable to the item unit_of_measure: type: string example: "abc" maxLength: 3 description: Level 3 data - Unit of measure for the item. See FreeWay Specification for full list 'Appendix L - Unit Of Measure Table'. sale_code: type: string example: "S" description: Level 3 data - General sales code for item. 'S' for Sale. 'R' for Return. 'L' for Lease/Rental. PaymentClientMetaData: type: object required: - application_name - application_version - selling_middleware_name properties: application_name: type: string example: "InteractWeb" maxLength: 35 description: Level 2/3 data - The system conducting the sale (POS, PMS, ecom website, etc) application_version: type: string example: "3.2.0" maxLength: 35 description: Level 2/3 data - Version ID of the POS Application selling_middleware_name: type: string example: "HPC" maxLength: 35 description: Level 2/3 data - The intermediate middleware between the POS/etc and FreedomPay's application (FCC, HPC, etc), if any. selling_middleware_version: type: string example: "1.4" maxLength: 35 description: Level 2/3 data - The version of the middleware. PaymentPos: type: object properties: card_present: type: string example: "N" description: Level 2/3 data - indicates if cart is present. entry_mode: type: string example: "NFC" maxLength: 35 description: Level 2/3 data - Denotes the way in which a payment terminal was engaged i.e. swiped, NFC. enc_mode: type: string example: "string" description: Level 2/3 data - Shows Apple Wallet and Google Wallet from in app transactions. msr_type: type: string example: "applepay" description: Level 2/3 data. tracke: type: object example: "{\"version\":\"EC_v1\",\"data\":\"UEQXal(...)ad4759\"}}" description: Level 2/3 data. PaymentApplePay: type: object properties: billing_contact: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentApplePayBillingContact' shipping_contact: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentApplePayShippingContact' token: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentApplePayToken' PaymentApplePayBillingContact: type: object properties: address_lines: type: array items: type: string example: "2929 Walnut St" administrative_area: type: string example: "PA" country: type: string example: "United States" country_code: type: string example: "US" family_name: type: string example: "Pay" given_name: type: string example: "Freedom" locality: type: string example: "Philadelphia" phonetic_family_name: type: string example: "" phonetic_given_name: type: string example: "" postal_code: type: string example: "19104" sub_administrative_area: type: string example: "" sub_locality: type: string example: "" PaymentApplePayShippingContact: type: object properties: address_lines: type: array items: type: string example: "2929 Walnut St" administrative_area: type: string example: "PA" country: type: string example: "United States" country_code: type: string example: "US" email_address: type: string example: "freedompay@gmail.com" family_name: type: string example: "Pay" given_name: type: string example: "Freedom" locality: type: string example: "Philadelphia" phone_number: type: string example: "123456789" phonetic_family_name: type: string example: "" phonetic_given_name: type: string example: "" postal_code: type: string example: "19104" sub_administrative_area: type: string example: "" sub_locality: type: string example: "" PaymentApplePayToken: type: object properties: payment_data: type: string payment_method: type: string transaction_identifier: type: string example: "xxxx" PaymentTokenCreateService: type: object properties: run: type: boolean example: true type: type: integer format: int32 example: "7" AplPaymentResponse: type: object properties: message: type: string example: "xxx" AplQueryTokenRequest: type: object required: - terminal_id - token properties: terminal_id: type: string example: "929" token: type: string example: "5866414822101478" AplQueryTokenResponse: type: object properties: customer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryTokenCustomer' address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryTokenAddress' contact: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryTokenContact' card_data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryTokenCardData' token_info: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryTokenTokenInfo' transaction_info: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryTokenTransactionInfo' QueryTokenCustomer: type: object properties: customer_id: type: string example: "1234567" first_name: type: string example: "John" last_name: type: string example: "Doe" description: type: string example: "Some description" QueryTokenAddress: type: object properties: address: type: string example: "224 A, Golf Course Road, Gurgaon" address2: type: string example: "Houston, TX , KA 560043" zip: type: string example: "12345" city: type: string example: "Seattle" state: type: string example: "Washington" country: type: string example: "US" QueryTokenContact: type: object properties: company: type: string example: "Appetize" phone: type: string example: "123456789" email: type: string example: "user@example.com" QueryTokenCardData: type: object properties: exp_date: type: string example: "1122" card_type: type: string example: "MC" account_number: type: string example: "5204********1471" QueryTokenTokenInfo: type: object properties: token: type: string example: "5866414822101478" token_response: type: string example: "SUCCESS" token_provider: type: string example: "P" token_format: type: string example: "Universal" QueryTokenTransactionInfo: type: object properties: user_id: type: string example: "userid" result: type: string example: "0" # Refund schemas ErrorWithDetails: type: object required: - message properties: code: type: integer example: 500 message: type: string example: "Internal error" details: type: string example: "something happened please contact administrator" RefundRequest: type: object required: - reason properties: reason: type: object required: - name - code properties: name: type: string example: "Wrong Product" code: type: string example: "RWP" active_user: type: object properties: id: type: string example: "199" login: type: string example: "jhondoe@mail.com" RefundedOrder: type: object properties: order_id: description: "ID generated by Connect" type: integer format: int32 example: 38002 device_order_id: description: "ID generated by client, like by AX or OAPI" type: string example: "AX00000111" venue_id: description: "Connect-assigned venue ID" type: integer example: 1371 vendor_id: description: "Connect-assigned vendor ID" type: integer example: 865 status: description: "Connect Status. All Orders related to refund will have the same status of completed. Showing now to prepare for potential future statuses. " type: string enum: [ COMPLETED, REFUND_PROCESSING, PARTIAL_REFUND, REFUNDED, REFUND_PROCESSED, PENDING ] example: "COMPLETED" source: description: "Where the order was created" type: string enum: [ activate, connect, oapi ] example: "oapi" amount: description: "Order amount" type: string example: "13.00" create_date: description: "Pulled from Connect device order time" type: string example: "2022-05-24T00:01:00Z" refund: description: "Refund object containing details about the refund. Will always be present even if the order has not been refunded yet. Look at the refundable object to determine the order's refund eligibility. " type: object properties: original_order_id: description: "This field only appears on refunded orders. It is a link back to the corresponding order that is being refunded (the original order)." type: integer example: 100 amount: description: "Total amount refunded on the order" type: string example: "-13.00" remaining_amount: type: string description: "The amount remaining on the order that has yet to be refunded." example: "0.00" reason: description: "The reason object will only appear on refund orders. It indicates WHY the refund was created. For orders that have been refunded, the reason object will appear in the orders array." type: object properties: code: description: "The reason code that was submitted." type: string example: "122346" name: description: "The reason name or explaination" type: string example: "Customer not happy" active_user: description: "The active object will only appear on refund orders. It indicates WHO created the refund order. For orders that have been refunded, the active_user object will appear in the orders array." type: object properties: id: type: string example: "199" login: type: string example: "jhondoe@mail.com" refundable: description: "Refundable Object. Contains information about each refundable element. Today: only order level information. Future: items, fees, tips " type: object properties: order: description: "Is the order refundable by OAPI" type: boolean example: true orders: description: "Order Array: List of corresponding refunded orders and information about each refunded order. An order can have 1 to many corresponding refund orders." type: array items: type: object properties: order_id: description: "The corresponding refund order ID." type: integer example: 200 device_order_id: description: "ID generated by client, like by AX or OAPI" type: string example: "AX00000111" create_date: description: "Pulled from Connect device order time" type: string example: "2022-05-24T00:01:00Z" amount: description: "Order amount" type: string example: "13.00" reason: description: "The reason object indicates WHY the refund was created. The reason object appears in the orders array for Orders that have been refunded." type: object properties: code: description: "The reason code that was submitted." type: string example: "122346" name: description: "The reason name or explaination" type: string example: "Customer not happy" active_user: description: "The active object indicates WHO created the refund order. Active user object appears in the orders array for Orders that have been refunded." type: object properties: id: type: string example: "199" login: type: string example: "jhondoe@mail.com" payments: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string example: "100200" amount: type: string example: "10.00" change: type: string example: "0.00" tip: type: string example: "0.00" index: type: integer example: 1 tender_id: description: "Connet paymentType" type: integer example: 1 tender_type: description: "Connect Payment name" type: string example: "credit card" tender_name: description: "Connect Payment config.name" type: string example: "Elavon" metadata: type: string example: "{\"AuthCurrency\":\"USD\",\"CaptureMethod\":\"MANUAL\",\"CardType\":\"VISA\",\"DeviceTransactionID\":\"160222ED3-1FD68B66-B65D-45A0-8063-584958463CCE\",\"ReqCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TransactionType\":\"SALE\"}" transaction_id: type: string example: "260521ED3-8F67B6C8-DB4F-41CB-879D-006EAFE4409F" RefundedOrderList: type: object properties: orders: type: array items: type: object properties: order_id: description: "ID generated by Connect" type: integer example: 38002 device_order_id: description: "ID generated by client, like by AX or OAPI" type: string example: "AX00000111" status: description: "Connect Status. All Orders related to refund will have the same status of completed. Showing now to prepare for potential future statuses. " type: string enum: [ COMPLETED, REFUND_PROCESSING, PARTIAL_REFUND, REFUNDED, REFUND_PROCESSED, PENDING ] example: "COMPLETED" venue_id: description: "Connect-assigned venue ID" type: integer example: 1371 vendor_id: description: "Connect-assigned vendor ID" type: integer example: 865 create_date: description: "Pulled from Connect device order time" type: string example: "2022-05-24T00:01:00Z" refund: description: "Refund object containing details about the refund. Will always be present even if the order has not been refunded yet. Look at the refundable object to determine the order's refund eligibility. " type: object properties: refundable: description: "Refundable Object. Contains information about each refundable element. Today: only order level information. Future: items, fees, tips " type: object properties: order: description: "Is the order refundable by OAPI" type: boolean example: true orders: description: "Order Array: List of corresponding refunded orders and information about each refunded order. An order can have 1 to many corresponding refund orders." type: array items: type: object properties: id: description: "The corresponding refund order ID." type: integer responses: "400_Checkout_Malformed": description: Checkout Malformed content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RequestMalformed' "400_Calculate_Malformed": description: Calculate Malformed content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RequestMalformed' "400_Levels_Malformed": description: Levels Malformed content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LevelsMalformed' "204": description: Success with no content. "400": description: Bad Request. content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: 'malformed request syntax' "401": description: Unauthorized content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthenticationBearerFailure' application/json: examples: response: value: message: unauthorized "401_Invalid_XAPIKey": description: Unauthorized content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthenticationXAPIFailure' application/json: examples: response: value: message: unauthorized "404_Store_Not_Found": description: Not Found content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StoreNotFound' "404_Menu_Not_Found": description: Not Found content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MenuNotFound' "404_Level_Not_Found": description: Not Found content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LevelNotFound' "422": description: Unprocessable Entity content: application/vnd.appetize+json;version=1: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnprocessableEntity' "200_apl_session_token": description: The request has succeeded. headers: Content-Type: description: Content type of the response schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Content-Type' content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AplSessionTokenResponse' "200_apl_payment": description: The request has succeeded. headers: Content-Type: description: Content type of the response schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Content-Type' content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AplPaymentResponse' "200_apl_query_token": description: The request has succeeded. headers: Content-Type: description: Content type of the response schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Content-Type' content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AplQueryTokenResponse' "400_apl": description: The server cannot process the request due to a client error. content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: required: - message properties: message: type: string example: "Bad request: xxx" code: type: string example: 600 "401_apl": description: The requester is unauthorized. content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: required: - message properties: message: type: string example: "failed parsing Claims: xxx" "500_apl": description: The server cannot process the request due to a internal server error. content: application/com.appetize.oapi.apl.v1+json: schema: required: - message properties: message: type: string example: "Internal Server Error: xxx" # Refund responses "create_refund_201": description: The order full refund was created. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RefundedOrder' examples: Refund Order: value: order_id: 200 device_order_id: "AX00000111" venue_id: 865 vendor_id: 1371 status: "COMPLETED" source: "oapi" amount: "-13" create_date: "2022-05-25T00:01:00Z" refund: original_order_id: 100 refundable: order: false reason: code: "122346" name: "Customer not happy" active_user: id: "199" login: "jhondoe@mail.com" payments: - id: "100200" amount: "-13.00" change: "0.00" tip: "0.00" index: 0 tender_id: 36 tender_type: "Credit Card" tender_name: "Elavon" metadata: "{\"AuthCurrency\":\"USD\",\"CaptureMethod\":\"MANUAL\",\"CardType\":\"VISA\",\"DeviceTransactionID\":\"160222ED3-1FD68B66-B65D-45A0-8063-584958463CCE\",\"ReqCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TransactionType\":\"SALE\"}" transaction_id: "260521ED3-8F67B6C8-DB4F-41CB-879D-006EAFE4409F" "create_refund_400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Order is not in the completed status": value: code: 400 message: "Order is not in the completed status" details: "Cannot refund the order. The Order has not been paid or is pending or has already by refunded" "Order ID Invalid": value: code: 400 message: "Bad formatted order id" details: "strconv.atoi: parsing \"545\": value out of range" "Invalid JSON format": value: code: 400 message: "Invalid JSON format" details: "Invalid character 'f' after object key" "Bad request": value: code: 400 message: "Bad request" details: "Invalid parameter: order_id" "Unsupported payment type": value: code: 400 message: "Bad request" details: "unsupported payment type: 4" "Unsupported refund type": value: code: 400 message: "Bad request" details: "Unsupported refund type: FULL" "Order don't contains a UUID": value: code: 400 message: "Order don't contains a UUID" details: "empty property" "Order can't be refunded": value: code: 400 message: "Order can't be refunded" details: "Cannot refund the order. Order was paid with multiple credit cards or other tender types, we can only refund orders paid in full by a single credit card" "Already refunded, partial refunds unsupported": value: code: 400 message: "Already refunded, partial refunds unsupported" details: "Cannot refund the order. Order was paid with multiple credit cards or other tender types, we can only refund orders paid in full by a single credit card" "Order is not paid in full by a single credit card": value: code: 400 message: "Order is not paid in full by a single credit card" details: "Cannot refund the order. Order was paid with multiple credit cards or other tender types, we can only refund orders paid in full by a single credit card" "Order can not be refunded due to NonRefundable flag": value: code: 400 message: "Order can not be refunded due to NonRefundable flag" details: "Cannot refund the order. Order was paid with multiple credit cards or other tender types, we can only refund orders paid in full by a single credit card" "Only completed order can be refunded": value: code: 400 message: "Only completed order can be refunded" details: "Cannot refund the order. Order was paid with multiple credit cards or other tender types, we can only refund orders paid in full by a single credit card" "create_refund_401": description: Invalid credentials content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Invalid credentials": value: code: 401 message: "Invalid credentials" details: "Venue not found in claims" "create_refund_404": description: Not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Order not found": value: code: 404 message: "Order is not found" details: "order not found. please check your Order ID" "Order details not found": value: code: 404 message: "Order details not found" details: "Please check your Order UUID" "create_refund_422": description: Doesn't meet the preconditions content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Failed refund precondition": value: code: 422 message: "Failed refund precondition" details: "The order already has a previous refund associated" "create_refund_500": description: Internal error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Error getting store details": value: code: 500 message: "Error getting store details" details: "Can't get store details" "Error parsing terminal id": value: code: 500 message: "Error parsing terminal id" details: "strconv.atoi: parsing \"545\": value out of range" "Tenders not found": value: code: 500 message: "Tenders not found" details: "[...]" "Credit card payment return error": value: code: 500 message: "Credit card payment return error" details: "[...]" "Custom card payment return error": value: code: 500 message: "Custom card payment return error" details: "[...]" "Error generating Order receipt": value: code: 500 message: "Error generating Order receipt" details: "[...]" "Error saving Order receipt": value: code: 500 message: "Error saving Order receipt" details: "[...]" "Order checkout error": value: code: 500 message: "Order checkout error" details: "[...]" "Error updating refunded order status": value: code: 500 message: "Error updating refunded order status" details: "[...]" "Error building refund order": value: code: 500 message: "Error building refund order" details: "[...]" "get_refund_200": description: Returns the order details by order ID. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RefundedOrder' examples: Order that has NOT been refunded: value: order_id: 100 device_order_id: "AX00000111" venue_id: 865 vendor_id: 1371 status: "COMPLETED" source: "ax" amount: "13" create_date: "2022-05-24T00:01:00Z" refund: refundable: order: true payments: - id: "100200" amount: "13.00" change: "0.00" tip: "0.00" index: 0 tender_id: 36 tender_type: "Credit Card" tender_name: "Elavon" metadata: "{\"AuthCurrency\":\"USD\",\"CaptureMethod\":\"MANUAL\",\"CardType\":\"VISA\",\"DeviceTransactionID\":\"160222ED3-1FD68B66-B65D-45A0-8063-584958463CCE\",\"ReqCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TransactionType\":\"SALE\"}" transaction_id: "260521ED3-8F67B6C8-DB4F-41CB-879D-006EAFE4409F" Order that has been refunded: value: order_id: 100 device_order_id: "AX00000111" venue_id: 865 vendor_id: 1371 status: "COMPLETED" source: "ax" amount: "13" create_date: "2022-05-24T00:01:00Z" refund: total_amount: "-13" remaining_amount: "0.00" refundable: order: false orders: - order_id: 200 device_order_id: "AX00000111" create_date: "2022-05-25T00:01:00Z" amount: "-13" reason: code: "122346" name: "Customer not happy" active_user: id: "199" login: "jhondoe@mail.com" payments: - id: "100200" amount: "13.00" change: "0.00" tip: "0.00" index: 0 tender_id: 36 tender_type: "Credit Card" tender_name: "Elavon" metadata: "{\"AuthCurrency\":\"USD\",\"CaptureMethod\":\"MANUAL\",\"CardType\":\"VISA\",\"DeviceTransactionID\":\"160222ED3-1FD68B66-B65D-45A0-8063-584958463CCE\",\"ReqCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TransactionType\":\"SALE\"}" transaction_id: "260521ED3-8F67B6C8-DB4F-41CB-879D-006EAFE4409F" Refund Order: value: order_id: 200 device_order_id: "AX00000111" venue_id: 865 vendor_id: 1371 status: "COMPLETED" source: "oapi" amount: "-13" create_date: "2022-05-25T00:01:00Z" refund: original_order_id: 100 refundable: order: false reason: code: "122346" name: "Customer not happy" active_user: id: "199" login: "jhondoe@mail.com" payments: - id: "100200" amount: "-13.00" change: "0.00" tip: "0.00" index: 0 tender_id: 36 tender_type: "Credit Card" tender_name: "Elavon" metadata: "{\"AuthCurrency\":\"USD\",\"CaptureMethod\":\"MANUAL\",\"CardType\":\"VISA\",\"DeviceTransactionID\":\"160222ED3-1FD68B66-B65D-45A0-8063-584958463CCE\",\"ReqCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TransactionType\":\"SALE\"}" transaction_id: "260521ED3-8F67B6C8-DB4F-41CB-879D-006EAFE4409F" "get_refund_400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Order ID Invalid": value: code: 400 message: "Bad formatted order id" details: "strconv.atoi: parsing \"545\": value out of range" "Bad request": value: code: 400 message: "Bad request" details: "Invalid parameter: order_id" "get_refund_401": description: Invalid credentials content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Invalid credentials": value: code: 401 message: "Invalid credentials" details: "Venue not found in claims" "get_refund_404": description: Not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Order not found": value: code: 404 message: "Order is not found" details: "order not found. please check your Order ID" "Order details not found": value: code: 404 message: "Order details not found" details: "Can't get orders details" "get_refund_500": description: Internal error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Internal error": value: code: 500 message: "Internal error" details: "Error connecting against Connect" "list_refunds_200": description: Returns the list of the refunds associated to the account ID. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RefundedOrderList' examples: List of orders that have Not been refunded: value: orders: - order_id: 100 device_order_id: "AX00000111" status: "COMPLETED" venue_id: 865 vendor_id: 1371 create_date: "2022-05-24T00:01:00Z" refund: refundable: order: true List of orders that Have been refunded: value: orders: - order_id: 500 device_order_id: "AX00000111" status: "COMPLETED" venue_id: 865 vendor_id: 1371 create_date: "2022-05-24T00:01:00Z" refund: refundable: order: false orders: - id: 600 "list_refunds_400": description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Bad request": value: code: 400 message: "Bad request" details: "Invalid parameter: venue_id" "Timezone invalid": value: code: 400 message: "Timezone invalid" details: "Unknown time zone America/KO" "Invalid date format": value: code: 400 message: "Invalid date format, expected: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" details: "Parsing time \"2022-10-19 10:54:32y\": extra text: \"y\"" "list_refunds_401": description: Invalid credentials content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Invalid credentials": value: code: 401 message: "Invalid credentials" details: "Venue not found in claims" "list_refunds_500": description: Internal error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorWithDetails' examples: "Error getting orders": value: code: 500 message: "Error getting orders" details: "Can't get orders" "Error parsing terminal id": value: code: 500 message: "Error parsing terminal id" details: "strconv.atoi: parsing \"545\": value out of range" "Error getting store details": value: code: 500 message: "Error getting store details" details: "Can't get store details" requestBodies: Checkout: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckoutRequest'